Chpt 6 Do's House

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"Wah! Where am I?!" Chanyeol shouted the moment he woke up
"Aissh shut up..its freaking 5 in the morning..." Do said putting another pillow above his head
"Do....wait!? What!?"
Do threw a pillow right into Chanyeol's face to shut him up

"Oww...wait kyungsoo.. how did I end up here-!?" Chanyeol screamed again but before he could fully finish Do went down on the floor as quick as lightning and covered his mouth while staring at him with big giant vacant eyes
-gulp- "kyunggie?"
"Sssshhhhh....let me sleep!"
"But I hate sleeping alone.."

Before Chanyeol can ask what he was doing Do slipped a pillow from his bed and put it down on the floor beside Chanyeol

"There now sleep!" Do hissed as he turned the opposite way from Chanyeol
Feeling slightly satisfied while blushing, Chanyeol slipped under the blankets next to Kyungsoo

"Kyungsoo ah~!!" Luhan shouted banging the door while trying to open the door
"Why is there a new pair of shoes in our hous-?!" Before he finished shouting, he heard the door clicked and then open
"Kyungsoo-!" but the view in front of Luhan cut him off as he blushed violently at the view that was standing in front of him, more like above him

Chanyeol's POV
-7:00 AM-
-yawns- "ah, that was a good sleep..." I said as I got up to go to the washroom

I brushed my teeth with my fingers and took a shower
"How relaxing..." I said letting myself melt in the cooling sensation of the water pouring down on me

As I was combing my hair and drying myself I heard banging and shouting outside the door
"Does Do live with someone?" I asked myself curious
Curious of who it was I got out the restroom wearing a towel wrapped around my waist and downwards and went to open the door
There in front of me was a girl shouting for Kyungsoo
"Who the hell are y-you?!" The girl asked while clearly blushing and not making eye contact but her voice seemed to be a bit odd...
"Oh I'm Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol, I'm do's friend" I said smiling
"And who are you?" I asked
"I'm.....Lu Han, Do's hyung" he said
"What?! I thought you were a girl!" I squealed surprised
"Everyone thinks that.....anyways, Why are you topless!!?"
"Did you do something to my Kyungsoo?! Put your shirt on! Yah!"
"No I didn't do anything to him.." I said looking away blushing
"I was just taking a shower cause it was hot and I was sweating"
"Hey! I have a friend who I should introduce to you!" I shouted suddenly as I began to see a resemblance to one of my friends
"His name is Oh Sehun, he seems to have your personality maybe you guys will be great friends!"
"Who are you to tell me who to be friends with?" Luhan asked looking amused and angry at the same time

"Mmh...." do mumbled while getting up
"Hyung......." He said as he half opened his eyes and closed them again
"......." Do
"wait......HYUNG?!" Do shouted nervously as he suddenly realize who was there
"HAhahah youre caught Do, now you have to explain why you brought Chanyeol here" Lu Han said grinning
"How do you know his name?" Do ask with his eyes wide open and his cheek blushing
"WAH!! SO CUTE!" I squealed running towards Do, but then...
(a/n me and my sound effects XD)
"..........." Do
"..........." Luhan
"..........." Me
"..........." Do
"............." Luhan
"..........." Me
-Long Silence-

"AHHHHHHHHHHH BLOCK IT BLOCK IT BLOCK IT WEAR YOUR CLOTHES PARK CHANYEOL BLOCK IT AHHHHHH!!!!" Do seuddenly screamed at the top of his lungs while using his hands to shield his eyes
"OMO OH...MY...GOD....WAHH!" Luhan screamed running out of the room
"AHHHHH WHAT HAPPEN!!! I THOUGHT IT WAS STABILIZED!!" I screamed horrified as my towel had slipped away from the lower half of my body while I was running towards Do
Quickly, I ran into the bathroom and quickly got dressed putting on my old clothes

-sniff sniff- "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm SOO so so SOOO sorry!" I said bowing over and over trying to hide my tears

Both Do and Luhan inhaled and exhaled slowly while trying to erase the image out of their heads
"Ok....Chanyeol.....ok.....UGHHH MY EYES!" Do tried to calm down but end up failing
"Please give me your phone I need to contact your friend right now.." Luhan said with one hand over his face and the other reaching for the phone
"Here......" I said giving him my phone

Luhan's POV
-ring ring-
"Yoboseyo" said a deep voice
"Hi are you Chanyeol's friend?"
"Yea, who are you and why do you have his phone?" The guy asked
"I need you to come pick up Chanyeol please, he has an emergency"
"OMO! Ok I'm coming right over" He said sounding a bit panicked

-5 mins later-
"Coming!" I shouted as I looked at Chanyeol who was sitting with his head down inches away from Do, who was looking a bit nervous

"Hi" I said opening the door to a poker face looking kid
"Oh hey" he said looking up
Suddenly everything seemed to slow down as I looked into his eyes
Turning my head around to hide the blush I invite him inside

"Chanyeol what are you doing here?" He asked
" this the hyung you were talking about all the time or something" he asked the moment he came in and saw Do
"Hey..." do said looking at Sehun and then at me and then at Sehun again
Suddenly, seeming to forget what happened, he scooted closer to Chanyeol and whispered in his ear while laughing
Chanyeol looked up and started to chuckle forgetting about what had happened as well
Looking at them like they gone nuts I felt Sehun's stare boring into me

Suddenly Sehun started walking towards me and the air around me felt thick and hot as well
"Hey hyung, why are they laughing at us?" He whispered
"Idk." I said trying my best to sound relax, but I guess it failed since he started looking at me and then...
"Woah hahaha hyung you look funny and your so red hahahha" he said laughing
"Why you little dweeb-" I said starting to attack him even though I never knew him
I guess Chanyeol was right

Do and Chanyeol suddenly burst out laughing and me and Sehun stopped what we were doing and stared
"What's so funny!? Huh?! Yah!" I shouted which only made things worst
"Hahahaahhah OMO this is too funny Kyungsoo they really do look like a couple" Chanyeol said out loud
"Oops" Chanyeol said realizing what he just said
"ya!" Do said punching him but still laughing
I could feel myself burning by the time i looked at Sehun, he seemed to be as red as I probably was
"Hey Sehun, take Chanyeol and leave, I'll explain later k?"
"Sure" he said sounding slightly embarrassed
"Here hyung" he said handing me a piece of paper
"Thanks" I said grabbing it
"See you" he waved smiling

"Now....Do.. so what were you talking about with Chanyeol?" I asked once Sehun had left with Chanyeol, smirking as I went over slowly to attack him
"It's a bit misunderstanding" he said still laughing
"Sure it is" I said tackling him

(Hehhehehheheh how was the chapter , good? I thought so XD , no jk. Anyways, I hope that was funny and not....the other way around. Thanks for reading 😂👍🏼👏🏼 next chpt will be 'the start of Hunhan',......literally that's gonna be the title 😂)

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