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OK so not to dissapoint anyone or anything but I have to decided to leave wattpad because I have no motivation whatsoever
I don't want to be selfish and dissapoint people, even though I probably am by doing this but there is an option: you can claim my account AND continue with my story for me

Rules for Account and Story:

First of all you can't be bias in this for example Kai is your bias, you can't just do Kai everything you gotta give a fair amount of share both chanyeol and Kai for Do

Second of all, you gotta make this all connect together from what I have so far and you can even adjust or edit some of my chpters since this account  will be yours

Third, you may have admins to help write for you and take over the account

Fourth, most things will be empty except for the fanfics that I think will be good to read

Fifth I will be choosing the people who give the best reasons of why they want to continue on with my fanfic and have my account (I will not be bias I will just pick someone who has a good reason)

Sixth, the chapters cannot have smuts in them or...idk up to you I guess, but I like fluffs
So you have the choice to write a mixture of both or just either one
If you decide to write smuts don't make it too extreme, just like normal, short, kinds
Since this is a fluff fanfic

Also I would really appreciate it if you name this account something related to Xiumin because he's my ultimate biasu *^* but then again its yours creative
And most important of all! Be creative with this, don't be like me who had no inspiration whatsoever with this, go nutso and magnificent on this, it just gotta make sense

So for those who don't want me to delete this story and rather have someone else type the rest and finish it
I suggest you message me on wattpad here and I'll see who will get it

This will be up until December 30th
Please comment and thank you for understanding :3 I love you readers and supporters <3

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