A Pack of Misfits: Our lives

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This is the sequel to A Pack of Misfits, giving some insight into the lives of the characters after the events in part one. Hope you enjoy, given that I have little to nothing to work with except my characters and some alien demons that have popped up out of nowhere. This is A Pack of Misfits: Our Lives. Oh, and attached is my drawing for you dear readers, a nice picture of how Loki looks, only this time done by myself!

PROLOGUE - New day's dawning

Hi. I am Loki Draken. I am an average teenager, 15 years of age and turning 16 soon. I attend high school, fight my way through exams and battle wills with less than sane teachers. See, perfectly normal. That is, until I get home. The minute I step into the forest, I am free to once more be the Demi-god Warlock werewolf that I am. Not that it is anything great, given that then I have to take down some monster or other. I do that along with the other members of my pack. Another reason being me isn't all as great as it sets out to be. Hehe.

Sunny Marks, the 14 year old mortal who...hangs out with us because she can cook. Artemis Hunter (oh the irony), is 15. She is a slayer assassin, a.k.a never-piss-her-off. Same actually goes for Sunny. Annabelle Kosek, a Polish Vampire. I always considered Annabelle a weird name for a Polish creature. She is my age. The there is Jalex Phan, a total female perv. The only normal werewolf in my pack. Jalex is also my age and loves to make the sickest jokes ever. Like the one time when....nevermind. There is, finally, my sister - gone - brother - gone - sister, Thor Ellyan (I never changed my last name). Like me, she is a Demi-god. Unlike me, she is not a Warlock. No, she is a Warrior. And for one who posses so much power, it appears that all too little of it fund her brain. She couldn't tell a sick joke for her life, even if it where dancing half naked in front of her. Speaking of half - naked....once again, nevermind. She is 16, oldest of the pack. Or was, until...the events of last year. Yes, we all have barely aged, given that it was just new years. New years and I still (thank goodness) have not...done the unthinkable with my new mate, Fenrir. Or at least Fenrir hasn't done anything with me. Fenrir is turning 17 in a few weeks, and what exactly his birthday will entail, I dread to know. Because I know it will involve me. He is unlike any of us. He is the only one who is officially male. I am...right now...a boy, but given that before some magic haywire mess up, I was actually a girl, my current situation does not count. To summarise: my magic went mad, turning Thor and myself into boys. Big fight with Fenrir...something happened. Then full moon, Fenrir gets me. And bites me. And up until now has taken every opportunity (and measure) to share a bed with me. Not in the sick way. Yet. Hopefully it will stay that way. But as I was saying...--

"Hey love, whaddya doing?" A deep voice spoke right next to my ear. A very, very girly squeal escaped me as I nearly jumped out of my skin, whirling around and trying to catch the journal I had thrown into the air in shock.

"What do you think you're doing!" I yelled at the smiling werewolf. "And what do you mean love?!?!"

Fenrir just kept smiling at me, giving me no reply, before bending down and giving me a quick peck on the lips, before he gave me another on the forehead. He did not get away with it.

The blond boy stumbled backwards, hand on his head where I had hit him with my journal.

"What? I can't show my mate a little bit of love?" He asked, nearly snapping, but not willing to incur my wrath and get kicked out of the bed again. Oh yes, it had happened before.

"You wanna show me love?" I snapped, "Then get me something to eat! Don't give me a blinking heart attack!" And with that, I turned back to writing in my book, ignoring the wolf as he jumped out of my bedroom window.

Where was I? Oh, right. Fenrir just gave me a heart attack. And now he's off, Odin know's where, getting me food. I hope. If he laces it with Incubus blood again, I will feed his carcass to the wolves. So Jalex and Thor. Besides that. I suppose i should tell myself why exactly I am writing a journal. Why? Because otherwise I will forget everything. And to narrate my story so far, I thankfully haven't forgotten any of the adventurous acts that occurred last year. Now to try again.

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