APoM: Our Lives Chapter 9

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CHAPTER NINE -- Bloody vampires

I glared petulantly at the wall. I was sitting with my back against one wall and my feet up against the opposite. I had locked myself in a cupboard in the attic. I always came here when under pressure or stressed.

And boy was I stressed right now. Still.

I had jinxed myself. I was sure of it. As always, I had woken up, thinking that the day would be great. After all, everything got better in the mornings. Obviously, I should not have said that.

That day had actually started out normal. I had managed to wake up and get washed and redressed without being slammed up against a wall, the floor or simply pounced on or hug tackled. Everything had been perfectly fine- until I somehow instigated a conversation with Annabelle about what powers we would have if we were not what we were at the moment. That was two days ago.

Annabelle had said that her power would have been fire, to which I had disagreed. A mistake, apparently. A mistake that led to one of the biggest arguments I had ever had in my life. I sighed, hitting the back of my head against the wall.



I lifted my arms from beside my bent legs and crossed them over my knees. How did this even start again? Oh, right. A whole 24 hours ago.


"Do you really want to continue this? I thought we gave up yesterday." I asked as Annabelle sat down in the seat opposite me, sliding pictures towards me across the table.

"Yeah. I mean, look at these and you will see what I mean. I would have the power of fire." She insisted.

Ignoring the pictures before me, I looked at the vampire in front of me, straightening in my chair.

"Annabelle. This was just for play, I mean honestly. And not to mention, I already gave my opinion. You know what I am gonna say next, do you really wanna hear it?" I asked. My red eyes darkened slightly when I saw a resisting spark rise in Annabelle's eyes. This was not going to end well.

"Look, even if we actually had other powers than the supernatural ones we have now, you just do not suit what fire control gives you." I sat back, fingers curled on the table top.

"Why? What power does fire give?"

"The ability to conquer, vanquish...just to lose control and destroy everything you see." I lowered my eyes for a second, before snapping them back up.

"Yeah." Annabelle said with a wistful smile. It didn't seem right on her. "So why couldn't I handle those things?" She asked.

"Come on...you are...let's just say you are the closest being to normal that lives in this house. You wouldn't be able to control the power of fire. Because fire is strong and deadly element. Simple. Just like I couldn't be a...fairy." I tried.

Annabelle's eyes widened. She stared at me with her blue orbs. "So you mean to say that I am not able to be strong and powerful??" She sounded very affronted.

"Exactly. Only, not like that. You just don't have the needed raw hatred or brutality to be like that." I said.

"Well you know what Loki?" Annabelle snapped, standing up. "You just showed me that you don't know me at all. And maybe you should think longer before deciding who a person should be! You know what, you made me really pissed! Congratulations! And for the record, I can be very strong and powerful or cruel or whatever the hell else you said!" Annabelle raged.

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