APoM: Our Lives Chapter 12

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CHAPTER TWELVE -- It's Halloween

This was the best time of year. Almost. Perhaps it was beaten by the times of year where I got presents and other things I could make use of instead of candy. Sugar coated delicacies never sat well with me.

We had been planning for this for about two weeks. Everyone had there own, very personalised costume. That no one else knew about. We had planned on completing our costumes and then showing them on the night of Halloween, before the next school party and trick or treating spree.


A few weeks before Halloween, we had all watched a movie together.

Rise of the Guardians.

And it was amazing. Before I go into any detail, I would love to explain the reactions of my pack members to said movie. Artemis had immediately claimed Jack Frost, the main character (which instigated a bit of a war between herself and my sister). I had immediately compared Sunny with Jamie, the main human character. Why? Because they both believed. Jalex had kept her preference rather quiet, I had no idea who she liked most, although I had had a sneaking suspicion that her fangirling instincts had started surfacing and that she had already pared up each and every character with about four other in that movie. Cepheus had been rather quiet throughout everything, although he seemed to take a liking to Sandy. Annabelle...I think she liked the Tooth Fairy.

Fenrir had voiced his empathy with the Easter Rabbit. I had agreed, given that the Bunny was after all my favorite character. Of course, I had made a rather friendly comment that had shut him up. For about one minute. Eridanus had been the perfect gentleman, agreeing with almost everything I said. Of course.

But I'm assuming you want to know how everything went? Well, wait no longer.


"Movie's ON!" I yelled, my voice reverberating around the house as I flopped into my seat.

Before the rest of my steadily growing pack got downstairs, I quickly enlarged the chairs to fit everyone. And then made a few pillows appear on the floor. Predictably, Eridanus and Fenrir both claimed the spaces on either side of me the second they got into the living room. I face palmed before spelling my long, black hair into my shorter, white hair to avoid getting it stuck under anyone.

Cepheus strolled in, hand in hand with Jalex. "I swear, you two better not do anything lovey dovey." I narrowed my eyes at them.

Jalex glared at me. "Then you keep them on a leash. Especially...that one." She pointed at Fenrir. I tilted my head. Point Jalex. Cepheus just chuckled as he sat down next to her on the other couch. Next in were Annabelle and Thierra. The vampire claimed the empty space next to the happy couple. My sister took one of the fluffy pillows I had formed on the floor. Artemis and Sunny followed them, Sunny carrying her own popcorn. Artemis sat down next to me after Eridanus offered to sit on the floor. Sunny sat down next to Thierra. So that was five people by one couch and four for the other.

"Are we finally actually settled?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at everyone. With a few nods, even though they were not necessary, I waved a hand and the movie began. 

By the time Jack Frost had thrown a snow ball at Jamie, I had made about 15 comments. Most of them quietly, to Eridanus and Fenrir, but about three made everyone laugh.

Finally my urge to not sit properly over took my urge to not look like an idiot. I sprawled myself out over the couch, which subsequently meant that my head and part of my upper back went on Fenrir's lap and my legs on Artemis's lap. My brown eyes lazily watched as North called together the Guardians. Mmmh. I wondered when we would got to see this...Pitch Black.

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