APoM: Our Lives Chapter 10

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CHAPTER TEN -- Achievement unlocked

"For the last time WILL YOU STOP IT!"

I was losing my temper. And fast. Eridanus had, thankfully, overcome his blood lust, but Fenrir had started his own heat cycle not a week later. And I had not had a moments peace afterwards.

The bloody wolf had been able to find me no matter where I ran to, where I hid or what I did.

"But....I want...you." He hissed between nips and licks on my neck. I flailed my arms.

"RIDAN!" I yelled. Eridanus's head popped into my room. "Help me!" I snapped, pointing at Fenrir.

Eridanus shook his head. "Heck no." I pouted.

"Why?" I whined. He just gave me this look that said 'are you stupid'.

"If I come near you, Fenrir will kill me." He explained simply. "He's in heat, he's insanely possessive, he is your first mate, he is your problem." And with that, the insufferable vampire left me to the wolves. Or at least, the wolf.

"ERIDANUS!" I roared. I heard something blow up. And then a grunt of pain. Serves that leech right.


It had taken me about ten minutes to get out of Fenrir's grasp, all in all. I had managed to knock the prat out cold, before jumping a meter away and running out of my door.

And of course, I crashed into poor Cepheus.

Rubbing my head, I sat up. "Hey, sorry man.." I said with a sheepish grin. Cepheus smiled back.

"No problem."

I stood up and offered him my hand. Gratefully accepting it, he stood up with my help.

"Hey, I have a question for you. Well, a few actually. Do you mind?" I asked, as we walked side by side to the stairs.

"Not at all. Lay 'em on me." Cepheus permitted with another bright smile. Huh, he was quite a cheerful person. That was nice. For Jalex, and perhaps the rest of us too. I sincerely hoped that his good mood would infect the rest of us. Especially...no...never mind.

"Do merfolk have heat periods?" I asked, quite bluntly, might I add.

Cepheus looked slightly shocked, before he shook his head and chuckled. "No. Merfolk are water people. We have mating season, but that is everyone together and is only really for full blooded merfolk. I'm half vampire, for example. So I wouldn't have it. Why do you ask?"

"Ah...You see, I don't know that much on Merfolk, and I am interested in all supernatural and mythological beings. A month ago I met a Siren. That was pretty cool..." I trailed off as I got a rather distant expression on my face. Then I snapped back. "But anyways," I continued, "On to my other question. Do mermen also have seductive singing voices like Siren and Mermaids?"

Now Cepheus gave me a puzzled look. "No, why? Merman voices do not need to be seductive nor possess an otherworldly beauty. We don't go for the whole 'seduce sailors' idea."

I let out a laugh at his joke. Well, it might have not been a joke, but I still thought it amusing.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked suddenly.

"Ah..just making conversation. Fenrir's in heat, so I am trying to avoid being near him cause he has this sudden urge to hump everything within arms range. And I'm his mate. What do you think this makes me?" I spoke with a voice of slight depression.

Cepheus patted my shoulder. "Chin up, Loki. It's just a werewolf. You can fend him off, I'm sure. Besides, if something were to happen, you could just call on my brother." He added with a wink.

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