APoM: Our Lives Chapter 5

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CHAPTER FIVE -- Never use magic on a Ferris wheel

The sun was shining, the air was warm. And it was Saturday!

Today was the perfect day for a trip to the new attraction park that had just been opened, not even twenty minutes away by train. Now to convince the others of that too.

Sighing slightly, I stretched out my arms above my head, cracking a few bones in my back in the process. Then I proceeded to flop down onto my bed. Stretching always made me feel so boneless. Rolling over slightly, I looked at Fenrir. He was still sleeping, breathing even and steady as the air he exhaled blew cold against my face.

Poking my fingers into Fenrir's ribcage, I kept that up until he ended up jumping out of the bed, glaring down at me.

"Yeah. Wake up, lazy." I said, lying back down...how hypocritical of me.

I could convince my pack later.

A growl brought me back down to earth. Fenrir looked pretty ticked off.

I could also just tell my pack now too.

I was out of bed and in the bath room in 3.2 seconds. The door slammed shut just as the other folks made their appearance. Annabelle noticed me dash into the bath room.

"Oh NO! Now we'll never get a chance to go!" She wailed in an over dramatic manner, placing a hand over her heart and another over her head.

Poking my head out of the bath room, I stuck out my tongue at the Polish vampire outside. "That's what you get for waking up late." I snickered as I closed the door before she could chuck me out and take my place.

"Hey, you and Fenrir are mates. You two should use the bathroom together, saves us time." Jalex muttered as she strode past us on her way to the stairs.

"Wha- HELL NO!!!" I screamed from behind the bathroom door. I could hear my pack snickering on the other side.

It only did take me ten minutes to get in and out of the bathroom. Annabelle was waiting outside, not that that surprised me much. The minute I was out, she shoved me onto the floor in her haste to get into the bathroom. Wow.

I chuckled as I lifted myself up from where I had just face planted. When I made it to the staircase, I slid down the banister, hopping off at the end and laughing merrily as I bowed at the folks in the living room.

"Morning all!" I smiled cheerfully, showing two rows of teeth. Everyone stared at me.

"What's got you so cheerful today?" Thierra asked. She was sitting on the couch next to Jalex. Artemis and Sunny where nowhere in sight. Kitchen, I guess.

"Uh, HELLO! Have you even looked outside yet? Have you SEEN the weather?! It's amazing!" I practically sang as I danced around before taking my seat. After kicking a certain blond mate out of it. He really needed to stop sitting in my spot.

"Yeah, we have seen the weather. But I still don't get why it has you so excited." Jalex looked at the window, then back to me.

"Well, it is Saturday...and the sun is shining....I thought we could take a trip to the new Amusement Park they built. I think it was called 'Sherwood Forest' or something. Apparently it is based around the legends and olden days of England!" I squealed. I loved the legends. So much to know, to learn and to imagine. But moving on.

My eyes snapped towards the door leading to the kitchen when an enormous crash sounded in there, followed by the stampede of two sets of feet.

"Did someone say-" "Amusement Park?" Artemis and Sunny both asked, tumbling into the living room, behind the couch. When they stood up, Sunny was smiling from ear to ear while Artemis looked mildly interested - read almost ecstatic - at the idea. Which meant that she would now do anything in her power (of which she had quite a lot) to make sure we carried through with it.

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