APoM: Our Lives Chapter 8

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Please, please, please don't hate. This is called 'Our Lives' and is trying to portray all the crazy stuff that happened to the pack. And since it is in the P.O.V of the 'Alpha', most of the random stuff is gonna happen to him...I mean her....I mean...you know what I mean. So please, don't hate, don't burn me down and don't stop reading. I beseech of thee, please don't give up on my story. In the end, you will see exactly what is going on ;) and boy will you be in for a surprise. Oh, and please note, the characters I introduce in this chapter are going to end up permanent. Someone (you know who you are) has been complaining (joke) about wanting a man for a certain character (once again, you know who you are) and so...both of the new folks are here to stay. Enjoy the show ;)

CHAPTER EIGHT -- Check mate

I had been in the middle of trying to make a nice bunny out of fog when Annabelle, Thierra and the rest got home from school. 

I had taken the day off, saying I was sick. Which I actually was, surprisingly. It would forever remain a mystery and a great embarrassment of how the common cold struck down Loki, werewolf-Demigod Warlock of immense power bla bla bla. It was just downright embarrassing. Not to mention I had caught the cold back on the exchange student trip.

But as I was saying, my pack mates all got home while I was curled up on my chair with a blanket around my shoulders and one hand held out towards the fog bunny. The fog bunny which dissipated the minute a cough interrupted my concentration. 

I looked up at Artemis, who was striding over to her seat on the opposite side of the room. She didn't say anything after she sat down. My eyes drifted over to Annabelle, then Jalex. Even Thierra seemed too still for her usual self. Sunny was looking at me with a worried expression, biting her lip. That wasn't new...not by much. Fenrir stalked over to me with a cloud over his features. His entire body seemed to be shrouded in...mist. Wow, his mood must have been bad. 

"So...how was school?" I asked, breaking the rather tangible silence and tension. Big mistake. Everyone started talking, all at once. I managed to catch a few parts of the numerous monologues, but that didn't help for nothing. "Shut up." I called out over the rising din. Once everyone had shut up, I looked at the one who usually explained these situations. Annabelle. "Please, begin." I let the words slide off my tongue. 

"Well...you know how our school only let's students in halfway through the year if they are important, right?" She started. I nodded, so she looked at Jalex. 

"Well, I'm sure you knew that from when Fenrir came to school. So anyways, the school announced that we have a new student. Thankfully not in our mentor class, but-" Jalex was interrupted. By none other than myself. 

"Wait a minute." I looked at Fenrir. "What was up with your dad? You never live with him anymore, you're always with us." I asked. Fenrir shrugged. "He owed me something. He got me into school." Was his answer. 

I looked back at Jalex. "Continue." 

"But he is in our year. And if you remember how Fenrir, at one point, approached us before we knew him?" Jalex continued. I nodded, once again, at her question. Jalex looked over at Sunny. 

Poor Sunny gulped before picking up the train of thought. "Well, this new person did the same thing to us..." Wow. Deja vu much? Not to mention, I missed this day, just like the time with Fenrir...and look at what happened with that. "And then Artemis made a lovely discovery. Again." Sunny gave Artemis a pointed look. Artemis sighed before taking the ball of chatter that seemed to be passing around my friends. 

"He's a vampire. A vampire without a mate, pure blood, not turned. He also has this...air around him. Holds himself like...someone important. I would classify him as a living Draco Malfoy copy. Different looks though." Artemis said. "And he has a relative his age, I could sense two different scents, but it was more of a 'daily close contact' than intimate. Surprisingly that one isn't at the school."

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