APoM: Our Lives Chapter 6

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CHAPTER SIX -- Silly singing and sappy songs Part 2

                                                                'Less silly, more serious...'

The wind softly caressed my face as I looked out of my bedroom window. Today was, sadly, rather over cast and windy. But not by my window. The wind did, however, seem to be ripping at the canopy of the trees.

Sighing soflty, I shifted my hands around until one was under my chin and the other loosely holding a book I had been reading a while ago. Something about mythology...the Arthurian legends...if I was not mistaken, that is.

But even if it was interesting, right now my mind was a puddle of goo.

I was wondering. Wondering about something rather important that had been at the back of my mind since the rather..interesting revelations in the theme park. Had Fenrir really been holding back? Sure I knew that at some point he and I would have to....yeah...to make me officially his mate for, like, all eternity, space and time and all that cra-...anyways. Were all those kisses and insessant touches and hugs holding back?! I had though that that was the norm for two mates before the actual mating. And the actual mating was something I was trying to hold off on, if not postpone it till....the sun expands ans swallows Earth. But to think that not having sex could actually kill him eventually? That was a bit much. Sure, he was rather annoying, but he really did try to always make me happy..again, sure he tricked me to mark me, but he really did seem to...care for me. And I couldn't live without him. Not in that sappy way, no. I literally would die if he did. Or at least, I would lose my sanity...in an hour. And then probably die soon after. And when would his patience wear out? Would it? And then my thoughts cycled back to the one question to end all questions. Why did he choose me of all people? I mean, come on, sure I was powerful (very) and was an Alpha (although I sometimes didn't feel like it) but I still didn't understand. Every time I asked him, he just hugged me and whispered into my hair. 'My wolf chose you'. He always says the same thing. Just as well he had a wolf, because if he were 100% incubus, he would be dead or at least starved by now. Wait, no...if he were a 100% incubus he wouldn't be waiting for me...no, he would have taken what he wanted....and what he wanted was very obvious. To my pack. But not to me. Noooo....or maybe it was the other way around....wait, what did he want again? Agh, am I really that bad of a person to literally starve him of his life force? Was I a bad person....he must really care if he was going out of his way not to molest me right now. In front of my friends or not. For almost a year. Wow.

I rubbed my temples, squeezing my eyes shut. It hurt to think so much. Why did I think so much? I moaned slightly. This was getting too much. Too much for my poor brain.

Standing up, I allowed my book to fall to the floor. Sunny would berate me later for treating a book with such little respect, but right now, I needed out.

Jumping out of my window, I landed on the floor with a slight thump. Leaves scattered up in every direction around me. My eyes falshed red as the leaves formed a whirlwind around me. It dissapated as I walked further into the tree line.

"A shot in the dark

A past, lost in space.

Where do I start?

The past, and the chase."

My voice drifted around the forest. The clouds had caused it to mist slightly, so I could not see anything past the first few trees in each direction. I took a deep breath, walking further. Then I opened my mouth again.

"You hunted me down,

Like a wolf, a predator,

I felt like a deer in love lights."

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