APoM: Our lives Chapter 1

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I do not own the song that I used in this chapter. The song is Like I Love You by R.I.O. (At least as well as I can hear). Listen to it and enjoy it, cause it's not that bad. Now, on with the...show. Don't even ask what I am doing in this chapter. 

CHAPTER ONE -- Silly singing and sappy songs Part 1

It was a normal day. The sun was out, spring was nearing, leaves and flowers were appearing. It was a normal day. 

At least, it should have been.

One never expects to wake up to an eyeful of (admittedly) gorgeous werewolf. But that seemed to have become a daily ritual for me. But not today. 

No, today I woke up to an empty bed for the first time since new year. No heat traces on the other side of my bed gave an indication of someone having slept there at all. Huh. Under any other circumstance I wouldn't be worried by the absence of the person who shared my bed, but this was Fenrir I was talking about. The over protective, highly obsessed incubus mate. 

Slowly sitting up, I tensed at every creak of the bed, prepared for Fenrir to leap out from any random place in the room. But I made it to the bathroom without incident. What was going on.

After washing up, I slowly opened the door, poking out my head, my white hair hanging over my eyes as I shook my head from left to right. 

Ok, this was weird. I hadn't been tackled, glomphed or even seemy mate during the time that it took me to get out of bed, to the bathroom and back out. 

Of course, such beautiful moments where never meant to last. After breakfast I decided to head outside. Surprisingly, I hadn't seen any of my pack this far into the morning. That was about to change.

The minute I was on the porch, hoping to catch some fresh air, music started playing. Of course.

I glared at the blond boy as he stood in the middle of the clearing before the house, swaying slightly to the music. Not that it was slow paced. Not at all. And then he began singing.

"I believe without your love I would be incomplete!

Oh baby you're all I need,

The most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"

He wasn't actually that bad of a singer. No, his voice was rather deep, soothing, even when singing these ridiculous lyrics. I hissed slightly at the 'girl' part. I caught myself the minute it left my lips. Why was I complaining? I am/was a girl. He continued.

"No I don't wanna break it, no break it!

Before I can see if we're gonna make it, gonna make it!

I don't wanna wait another day!

Oh, oh, oh, cause there ain't nobody,

Ain't nobody loves you like I do, girl!" 

What? What on earth was he trying to do? Now he was full out dancing across the clearing, blond hair whipping around. Please. Please don't sing anything else. No. Of course not.

"Like I love you!

Like I love you!

Like I, like I love you!

Cause there ain't no one!

Ain't nobody loves you like I love you!

So what you wanna say?"

And there was my traiterous pack. Singing as back up to my stupid mate. And now they were singing together. I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my messy hair. 

"Like I love you!

Like I love you!

Like I, like I love you!

Cause there ain't no one like you!

Like I, like I love you!

Cause there ain't no one like you!"

I slapped my hand over my face. What on earth was he planning? Oh well, at least it couldn't get any worse...

"I'm in need, of your sweet body to fulfill my dreams!"

I stand corrected. The rest of my pack gave up on singing in favor of rolling on the floor, clutching there sides with laughter. The moment those lyrics left his mouth, I took a running jump, leaping off the porch and kicking him smack bang in the middle of his chest. He fell backwards while I tried to jump off again. But I wasn't fast enough to get away.

Grabbing my ankle, Fenrir twisted it while pulling, causing my body to flip slightly, before landing next to him. Face first in the sandy of leaf covered floor. He than rolled us over before his face was leaning precariously over mine. "You heard the last lyrics I sang right?" He asked in what I assumed was his most seductive voice without turning on his incubus seduction. 

"Yeah, I did." I whispered, titling my head up slightly, trying my hardest to make my red eyes as large and cute as possible. My pack mates had stopped making noise around us and where all craning their necks to hear what we were saying. Leaning closer to him, I once again whispered something. "Dormite" 

His large frame slumped onto mine. After a brief struggle I managed to get him off.  "Thanks for the help." I muttered, as I stood up and brushed off my sandy clothes. Without so much as a second glance at my mate, I turned on my heel and made my way back inside. 

If he ever did that again. I leave the threat at that.

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