Chapter Five: Coffee House Liar

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I got in my car and headed down to Joe's Joe- the closest coffee shop around. Kat had a thing for coffee, she loved it. It always hyped her up and got her all happy and excited, it was cute. Trust me- I had nowhere near a crush on Kat, I tried to keep love out out of my life. But I'll admit it- Kat's pretty attractive.
We all have a hunch Ty likes Kat, he always has googly eyes over her and talks a lot more when she's around. Mitch had a thing for her but my guess is he's over her after what happened. But who knows. Anyways, I got to the coffee house and took a seat on one of the couches. A waiter came by and asked for my order, I got two dark coffees, I know that's Kat's favorite. Five minutes later, he came with our coffees and Kat walked in. She was wearing a light orange sundress with white flats. Her hair was in a high ponytail and she wore a white headband with a white small bow on it. She came over and sat down next to me and took her coffee.
"Hey! Glad you could make it," Kat said.
"Yeah, I'm always up to hang with you. What's up?" I asked.
"I wanted to talk to you about something if it's not a sour subject," Kat answered, then she sipped her coffee.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Your little sister, Addie. I was hoping you could tell me about her," Kat replied.
"Oh, um... I guess... She was my adopted sister, she was also Ty's girlfriend. She was a horseback rider, I had bought her a horse because hers died. Her name was Sierra. Then, I guess she found her real brother, Travis, and he was absolutely insane. She took off on her horse and nobody's seen her sense. The police are still after her and her best friend that was also taken but, we haven't heard anything sense," I explained.
"Oh my God Adam, I didnt think it was that awful. I'm so sorry!" Kat exclaimed. "I wish there was something I could do to help."
"Unless you know where Addie is I dont think there is," I replied, Kat opened her mouth to say something but shut it, then starred at the ground. "Kat?"
"Oh! Yeah?" She asked.
"Is everything alright?" I asked, she didn't reply. "You know you can tell me anything right? Especially if it's about Addie."
"Yeah, yeah it's just.... I umm... Have to go. Thank you Adam, see you later," then, Kat stood up and left.
It was weird to see Kat that way, especially because it was her idea to come and she left in five minutes.  after I finished my coffee, I left and walked home. But at that time, I passed Kat's house, and Natalie was there getting out of her truck and going to Kat's.
"Hm- Adam? Oh! Um, hi," she said quickly.
"What are you doing at Kat's?" I asked.
Natalie didn't reply for a minute, but at that time- Kat opened the door.
"Natalie! That GOD you came quickly. I need to talk to you about what happened today-" but she stopped when she saw me, she froze for a second. "I-I saw a um, a cat, yeah, and it was like, um.." She stuttered.
"Why don't we talk inside?" Natalie asked, Kat nodded. "It was nice seeing you, Adam."
Then they both went inside and shut the door behind them. And I walked back to my house alone.
"Oh my god Addie! The fuck happened?!" Natalie yelled.
"I don't know! I saw Adam and I-I panicked!"
"At the disco?"
I slapped her on the arm.
"Not the time for jokes, Nat!" I replied.
"Sorry. Trying to lighten the mood," Natalie responded. "Okay, okay, what happened?"
"I walked in and asked him about his little sister, I needed to know if he had given up or not. And he asked me if I knew anything, I said no. He figured I was acting suspicious and I left," I explained.
"Youre stupid," Natalie said.
"I know. I've been called worse. Adam is starting to get suspicious and I don't know what to do," I replied.
Natalie started to think. "I got it! 'Addie' needs to prove to Adam that she's not around here, that'll get him to not suspect it's you."
"Mm-hm. And how does 'Addie' do this?" I asked.
"Maybe Addie could send Adam a video from another device that takes place in another state or town or city or something. That'll get him to focus on that area to find her and not be suspicious of you," Natalie explained.
"Not bad Nat, not bad at all," I said, then we high fived. But then, I swear I heard footsteps, like someone was running. I looked out the window but nothing, so I figured it was my imagination.
"Okay, where and when are we going to do this?" I asked.
"A place that's in this state, but a different city or town. And soon, like tomorrow," Natalie answered.
"Sounds good," I said.
Natalie smiled. "It's a date."

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