Never Say Never

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Holla, Wattpaders! We are out of the flash-back world, and we are into present day Jily action. They are currently in 7th Year. *This is mostly J.K Rowling's jazz!*



Bang! A particularly thick book had slipped off my workspace, and everyone in the common room was staring at me. I flushed deep scarlet, and went to sheepishly picked my book off the floor. Since when did I daydream in the middle of homework? Never! Also, when had my daydreams included, Potter? Potter of all people, for God's sake! Oh, I know when. When it involves me getting away from, Potter.

"Hey, Evans," I hear an voice behind me. To clarify, an absolutely obnoxious voice I've heard way too many times this year.

"Potter," I simply nod acknowledgment, turning around to find the source of the arrogant voice. Potter was an absolutely obnoxious, egotistic, arrogant, handsome, rule-breaking, toe-rag, that I have despised since First Year.

"Let's turn over a new leaf, Evans. Start fresh. Maybe without Snivellus you'll realize who your real friend is," he nudged me with his shoulder and winked. That I still despised to this day.

"No," I blatantly refuse the proposal.


"Are you still annoying?"

"No," his answer was automatic. I gave him a pointed look. "Come on, give me a chance!" he blurts out. I roll my eyes again. I swear, by the time I'm done with this year Potter's going to make my eyes roll out of their sockets.

"Are you going to continue bullying everyone you meet?" I snapped. He burst out laughing, but when I glared at him he quieted on instincted.

"Maybe you can persuade me not to do so," he said in the low voice, raising his eyebrow in a flirtatious way that you had to admit was kind of cute.

I sighed heavily and slammed the book I was packing into my bag on the table. It echoed through the common room with a thud that made everyone flinch, especially Potter. "Not this again, Potter!" I snapped. "You know I have no interest in you whatsoever. So, like millions of times before, I say once again: never gonna happen." I twirl on my heel and trudge up the stairs to the girls dormitory, picking up my bag and hitching it up my shoulder along the way.

"Never say never, Evans!" I hear Potter call after me as I run up the dormitory stairs two at a time.


"I'll have you someday," I vow to myself quietly.

"Still chasing Evans, Prongs?" a familiar voice badgered me from behind. I turn to find Sirius Black, my best mate, and my face broke into a grin.

"Finished with your detention?" I inquire.

"Yep," he replied, popping the 'p'. "Oh, and by the way, you're probably never going to get Evans," he stated in a matter-a-fact tone, you don't often hear come out of Sirius' mouth despite his name.

"Never say never, Padfoot, old pal." I sigh, patting him on the back.

"Okay, maybe when the whole human race is wiped out, you two are the last people on earth, and Lily's gone insane. You also better make sure there aren't any vampires, giants, or any other remotely human specie she can pick besides you."

I just repeated,

"Never say never, mate."


The minute I get to my dorm room, I jump onto my bed, and faceplant my head firm into a pillow. "Ugh!" I let out a long, exsagrated groan that was only slightly muffled by the pillow in my face.

"Potter Problems again?" a causal voice asks me.

"Yes," I grumble, the pillow still muffling my words. I sit up from my wonderful irritation reliever to find Mary and Alice playing Wizard chess, and Marlene lying on her back in her bed reading Witch Weekly. Marlene spoke again, her eyes still trained on her magazine,

"Girl's night? It's the first Hogsmeade visit of the year tomorow, we can buy butterbeer," she suggested.

"You are my savor, Mar. No one could possibly ask for a better friend," I exclaimed, tackling her in a hug.

"What are we then?" one of my other friends intergected. "Chopped liver?"

"What's chopped liver?" the other girl facing her in Wizard Chess inquired.

"Nevermind," the black haired girl sighed. "It's just a Muggle phrase." Meet Marlene McKinnon, Alice Prewett, and Mary Elizabeth; roomates and bestfriend extrodinares. Alice and Mary, being Pure-Blood and Half-Blood respectively, helped me and Marlene through school when we were First Years, we being Muggle-Borns. We all became good friends after that, still are to this day, and though may things have changed through my years at Hogwarts, I am self-assured that my best friends and Potter will never change.

"Oh, yeah. You guys too," I added playfully. Alice frowned and bumped shoulders with me rather hard. I let out a laugh.

"Screw you," Mary mumbled, concentrating on the chessboard in front of her without seemingly any care for the conversation going on around her, which caused Mar and Alice to snicker and me to only laugh harder.

Alice, however, wasn't playing at attention, and a second later Mary jumped off the bed exclaiming,

"Ooh, checkmate, mate! You lose, girl!" Mary drug out the vowels in 'lose' as we all watched Mary's queen crush Alice's king. Mary proceeded to do a terrible victory dance with her arms that had Mar going,

"Oh, whoa. No, no," trying to swatted Mary's hands down. That only caused Alice and me to explode in laughter, and my worries melted away. For a second there was no war, no You-Know-You, and we were just a group of teenage girls having fun.

It felt good.


If you like it, if you love it, if you totally despise it, vote, comment, follow and add to your library! Probably not if you despise it though. xP I still don't know how to do an outro! :D

~ SeattleAwesome xP

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