Books Make for Stories

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"What the heck is that suppose to mean?" Remus snapped in a hushed yell. It was a library after all. Speak of which, one could not simply put their feet on the table in the Hogwarts library without this happening:

"Mr. Black! How times have I told you to get your filthy shoes off of the furniture?" Madam Pince chastised Sirius as she magically filed books into the high up shelves.

Sirius put on a face of faux thought. "One times too many?"

Madam Pince gave him a harsh glare. "Detention, Mr. Black," she quipped.

"Okay, see you there," he winked at her, dropping his feet from the table slowly and a bit louder than necessary. Madam Pince's lips just curled into a smile.

"Oh no, Mr. Black. Tonight's detention is helping Hagrid tend to the rogue Thestral in the Forbidden Forest. Good luck," she chimed before strutting back to her desk.

In a very Sirius-like manner, he ignored everything that just happened and keep on talking.

"Well, 'Ms. Evans' is and has been the top of our year since the first one, has she not? I thought she would've figured out all the signs by now. I mean, we did, after all."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Yeah, 'figured out the signs' alright," he intoned sarcastically. "More like pull me into an empty classroom and confronted me by asked why I was being so weird. I can't believe you made me explain it right on the dot! We could've gone to Dumbledore's office like I said, and that would've been a lot less nerve racking for me!"

"It was a valid reaction," Sirius protested.

"You asked if I was gay, for Merlin's sake!" Remus roared, and Sirius and I burst out laughing.

"Oh Merlin," Sirius choked out. "I forgot all about that part!"

Remus huffed as we laughed hysterically. "It's not funny."

"Oh, but Remus," I finally regained my voice. "It's hilarious!"

"But seriously, Evans. I thought you would've figured it out by now."

I shrugged. "To be honest, I've been harboring suspicions since Third Year, and they were definitely set by Fourth Year. I just forgot all about it."

Sirius admits that James, Peter, and him have an ongoing bet on how long it would take her to figure out. A bet they made in Third Year, earning a smack on the back of the head by Remus.

"When exactly did you pretty much confirm your suspicions?" he asked me eagerly.

"Spring Fourth Year," she decided after a moment of thought.

Sirius gave a brief fist pump before muttering, "Those buggers owe me a galleon each," which earned him not galleons, but another smack from Remus.

"Sirius! Remus!" another voice hollered from the library's entrance.

"Shh!" Madam Pince hushed them and gave them her signature lethal glare.

The two boys backed towards us with arms up in surrender, causing Remus, Sirius, and I to start snickering.

"Wormtail, Prongs!" Remus and Sirius chorused.

"Hey, Peter," I gave him a nod of acknowledgement. "James..." I trailed off awkwardly.

He simply blinks. "Lily," his voice equally as void as his expression.

Remus cleared his throat awkwardly and posed his mouth to speak.

"She knows about the whole werewolf thing," Sirius cut him off, shoving his hand straight in Remus' face. Remus scowled, and he pushed Sirius' hand away.

"You know?" Peter confirmed. "Are you okay with it? If you're not, something very ugly is about to happened," Peter growled, though the threat seemed very non-threatening coming from the mouse of a boy compared to if James, Sirius, even Remus had delivered it. However, I did admire the boy's dedication to his friends, and I smiled a little.

"Do you think I'd be sitting freely, if that was so? I think I'd be bound to a chair and oblivated by now," I joked.

Remus blushed furiously and mumbled something along the lines of: "Well, I wouldn't exactly do that but..."

"So," I got comfortable in my chair, because I had a feel with what I asked next, once they got started they wouldn't stop for a while. "Tell me about it. About the whole werewolf thing. Honestly, I'm intrigued and I'm sure you guys have got some pretty crazy stories." I smirked at my all too true statement.

"Heck yes! Story time, kiddies!" Sirius hollered, earning another smack from Remus and another night of detention from Madam Pince.

"But Grandpa Sirius, I'm tiiiired!" Remus whined as if he were a little kid, causing me everyone to chuckled. Remus pouted, and it was honestly the cutest thing I've every seen, before Sirius said,

"Okay, okay. Just a couple of stories, aye?"

And with that Sirius and Peter launched into fascinating stories and adventures of great detail. Finding out about Remus, how they deal with full moon nights, their darkest moments, and their craziest ones. Remus contributing with parts only he could possibly know about or feel, and even James popped in a word or two. A couple of stories turned to a few stories turned to several stories, until it was almost time for dinner in the Great Hall. I realized I just spend half my afternoon with the Marauders, and I didn't mind one bit.

But Sirius said one more detail - one more story - that they all had forgotten about.

"We forgot to explain to Evans that we're Animagus."

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