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Ciao, bonjour, salut, to my fellow writers and readers on the block and in the shop! We won't stop writing till we drop! Okay, that was random and weird, rhymed and I just made it up. Anyways: *Most of this awesome junk is J.K's. :)* Without further ado! My new chapter, Nearly:



"How about it, gents?" I smiled "A First Hogsmeade Visit Prank! Padfoot? Wormy? Moony?" I encouraged, a little extra plead in my voice when I addressed Remus. He's always been the one to shut these things down, but I think he'll crack this time. He knows how stressed I am; I just want a little fun, and it'll be harmless!

"You know I'm all for pranks, mate! Got an good ideas?" Sirius asked, jumping onto the idea first. I grinned at his mischievously, and I said, quite eerily,

"Oh, you know it!" 

Peter gave a shrug, and he replied with a simple,

"I'm game if you are." That added Wormtail to the mix. I put on a pouting face, and I turn to gaze at Remus.

"Moony?" I asked; Remus' face remained blank. "Moooony?" I emphasized; he sighed, shook his head as if to scold himself, and finally put his hand in the middle like everyone else.

"This is bad idea," he moaned. Sirius ruffed Remus's hair, in which Remus immediately tried to fix.

"Don't be such a buzzkill, Moony. We've got it under control," Sirius reassured him, which didn't seem to be working.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about," Moony muttered, and he took his hand out of the mix. 

He started down High Street, and he yelled over his shoulder,

"Are you coming or not?" as he broke into a run. I grinned, and I chased after him, our laughs drowning in the autumn breeze as the cold wind nipped at our cheeks.


My friends and I flowed into the crowd our whistful smiles clearly showing that we were Seventh Years as we knew this was our last first Hogsmeade Visit. Mar and I chattered on about the girl's night, and who we'd invite, Alice, who choose to ignore and flip me off, grumbled about how she would much rather be with Frank right now. This was until Mary, who was taking the lead, had decided she'd had enough, and she whirled around to face Alice.

"If you'd so much rather be with Frank right now," Mary spat out the name like venom. "Then, go find your precious Golden Boy and leave us! I will not put up with your whining any longer, and it's totally obvious you two just want to go snog your faces off! So go on!" Mary ranted.

Alice look uncomfortably at the ground even though Mar and I could still see the blush that was forming across her cheeks at the mention of her and Frank's "activity". "Well, sorr-y!" Alice muttered dangerously and embarrassed. "If you can't put up with it, go and talk to Lily. She's the one who started it." Mary turned scarlet with angry, and she blurted out heatedly,

"What are we, five? Don't give me that "she started it" trash! If you're going to be moody just because Lily teased you about Frank; don't, beause it's not worth it!" Mary sent off in a rant, and Mar and I just watched her, amused, as she flailed her arms in random hand gestures to help her try to make a point. Believe me when I say, an infuriated Mary is a force to be reckoned with, though it rarely happens. However, when it does, it's a riot.

"Okay, this is not workin-" Mar started, stating the obvious.

"No spoof, Sherlock," I muttered sarcastically, cutting her off. That caused Mar gave me an icy glare, and to resumed her new long winded lecture about being mature, telling Mary to cool her arse down, and making Alice stop ignoring everyone. Me eye rolling at her obvious statements, resisting the strong urge to snap 'No spoof, Sherlock' at her again. Until Alice finally lost it, and she shouted,

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