Third and Fourth Wheel

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I slowly catch sight of Mary, Mar, and Alice sitting at the head of the Gryffindor table, furthest from the door. Smiling, laughing, without me.

James is following my gaze, he's staring at me. I know that he knows something is up.

"Can I sit with you guys?" I ask, slightly desperate. "Please?" I gave him another wide eyed look.

James doesn't say a thing. He just stares at my group of friends, and he nods, steering me towards Remus, Sirius, and the only space left at the table.

Lucky, as far away from my suspicious friends as possible.

We plop down on the remaining space on the benches, squeezed next to each other, and joined Remus and Sirius' conversation that only Merlin knows had started.

"Remus," Sirius whined.


"Stop reading."


"'Cause you're not answering me. You just shrieked like a girl at something called 'the Fourth Wall'. What the bloody hell?"

"Shut up, Sirius."

"But I wanna know what the Fourth Wall is!"



"Shut up."

"Okay," was the background to James and I piling food on our plates.

"While they're on the subject of books," James leaned in close to whisper in my ear. "Remus, Sirius, couple?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

I gave him a pointed look and elbowed him in the stomach, trying to mask my smile behind a scowl.

Wow, James. Just wow.


I could feel the stares. Could Lily and James feel them? They were all directed at them. They didn't seem to notice, and that was dangerous.

Sirius and I shared a look that seemed say, "It's getting too third and fourth wheel."


"Seriously guys. Get a room," Remus grumbled, attracting James' glare.

"Oh, I know what they'd do in that room," Sirius cooed, a sparkle of mischief flaring in his eyes.

He turned to Remus. "Would you like me to demonstrate?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Remus made a face halfway between cringing at Sirius' words and blushing a little in embarrassment.

Sirius grabbed Remus from behind the neck, and he brought his face in close, a smirk playing on his lips. Remus turned his face shyly away, looking a little flustered. He suddenly flashed a devilish smirk, and he licked Sirius' left cheek, all. The. Way.

Sirius jumped out of his seat screeching, "Oh my God, boy cuddies!"


My eyes widened at the realization of what I had just done. Or, the hidden meaning to what I had just done. Oh Merlin, I just licked Sirius' face! What the bloody hell's wrong with me? Ugh, it's just... I couldn't have him looking all smug at my expense! I had to assert... assert my dominance. Oh Merlin...


Everyone close enough to hear erupted in laughter, and I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my seat.

As I laughed, I caught a glimpse of Mary, Mar, and Alice staring at me. Staring at me laughing with James and Remus, without them.


Just after that mess we returned to the Common Room... and things got exponentially weird/awkward.

"Ugh, you gave me boy cuddies," Sirius whined, still wiping his face with the crook of his elbow, as if the fabric of his shirt would cleanse his face of Remus' spit.

"No, I gave you werewolf cuddies. There's difference," Remus replied calmly for the 'enth time. I don't think he even realized why he did that.

"Not when your a boy werewolf!"

"If I was a girl werewolf, would you have let me lick you?"

"Oh, that sounds nice."



"You're impossible."

"Impossibly amazing."

Honestly, I don't know how they haven't kill each other yet in the seven years they've known each other.

"I'm so not ruling out the possibly that you're gay," Sirius stated in faux... seriousness.

"Wow. Just wow, Sirius," Remus countered, nearly the exact thing I said to James when he suggested it.

"Hey, Marauders. Miss Evans," a Sixth Year bowed to me, theatrically. Gordon. I smiled at him, playing along and giving him a small curtsy, despite me not wearing a skirt. I looped my arm through his, and I exclaimed,

"Sir Lockett. Let's go. I couldn't possibly stand another minute in the company of this hooligans! I shalln't!"

All the boys chuckled, and the next second Mar, Mary, and Alice strolled through the Port Hole, arguing animatedly about something.

They caught sight of me, unhooking my arm, awkwardly, from Gordon's.

"Well, we've got everything all set up, Lils," Mar whispered to me as she pasted, but apparently not quite enough.

"You got the party started, huh?" Remus asked, an unusually air of arrogance surrounding his words.

"Heck, yeah!" Alice exclaimed. "Bring Frank, Gordon, and Gordon's little accomplice. Don't forgot: the Room of Requirements, 11:00 sharp. You have to wish for, 'A room in which to escape the present'," Alice reminded them.

"Hey, Gordon's 'little accomplice' has a name," a lanky Sixth Year protested from the steps of the Boy's Dormitory.

Alice rolled her eyes as Mary greeted him with a, "Hello, Link."

Frank stepped through the Port Hole a few minutes later, a pile of books precariously stacked in his arms. Alice took a couple of books off the stack, and she gave him a light kiss on the cheek. They went upstairs to Frank's dorm to put the books away before rejoining the rest of us in the Common Room.

We had slipped into easy conversation, and the buzz of idle chattered filled the room. It seemed like Mar, Mary, and Alice had complete shrugged off my outburst from early, and for that I was grateful to have friends like them. I flashed them all appreciative smiles, feeling the guilt of doubting their understanding like gritty sand in my mouth, making it dry.


Lily smiled at her friends. They forgave so easily. Forgive and forget was easy for them, I wondered how.

The party though. The Room of Requirements, a load of butterbeer, a bottle of Firewhiskey that Sirius will somehow get (I don't know how), and all our friends.

Eleven o'clock was suddenly as far away as ever.


After the while of conversation Link decided to congratulate Remus on the supposed 'prank' he pulled on Sirius. He claimed he hadn't seen something that hilarious since Reese, some Fifth Year boy, got thrown in the Black Lake by his friends whilst playing 'Truth or Dare'. He had chosen dare, and he had chosen poorly.

Remus focused a hard set glare on him, and he growled at him to just drop it. Remus has been acting weird lately, and I was going to get to the bottom of this whether he wanted to stand in my way or not.


Hehe. I've always wanted to break the Fourth Wall by talking about a book that's breaking the Fourth Wall, henceforth, breaking the Sixteenth Wall... :3

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