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"Ow! Bugger off, Gordon," an exclamation.

"No, can do, Linky. I'm better at rapping than you, just say it," a challenge.

"Really, guys?" a smack of gum.

"Yeah, guys. Just shut up," a shush too loud with the click of heels.

"Everyone's being too loud. Just be quiet, please. We're already here," a hushed, authoritative voice.

"A room in which to escape the present, a room in which to escape the present, a room in which to escape the present," a voice muttered thrice. The sound of shoe soles pacing the polished, stone floor could be heard.

A light glow could be seen from around the corner in which I lurked. A clatter of heels and shoes, a joyous laugh.

"Let's get this party started!" someone yelped but was quickly shushed, and all was quiet.

I peeked around the corner. A faint glow outlined the shape of a door on the far wall, before disappearing from view.

I recognized some of those voices.

I was sure I knew all the secrets of Hogwarts before this moment. Now, I wasn't so sure. I knew of some of the passage ways to Hogsmeade and around the castle, but this 'room' I've never heard of or come across.

It must be a Gryffindor trade, I decided.

However, a party? Quite curious. Past curfew, 11 o'clock at night? I knew those voices. Voices of those I'm to loathe, and therefore, loathe me in return.

I had to bust them. All those Slytherins that tease of my brother's disloyalty will welcome me. After all, I am not my brother.


There's something wrong. The rest tease and laugh, only to be repeatedly shushed by James, who would always welcome the thrill of danger, but there was something off in the aura of our play. Something penetrating it. An uninvited presence.

I narrowed my eyes, and I waved it off as the on coming full moon making me paranoid when I searched the hall with my eyes that are slightly atone to darkness and found nothing.

"Ow! Bugger off, Gordon," Link complained as Gordon pulled him in a head-lock.

"No, can do, Linky. I'm better at rapping than you, just say it," Gordon ruffed his hair, thereby receiving a moderately hard punch to the jaw.

"Really, guys?" Christina, Link's twin sister from Ravenclaw, inquired with a smack of her gum.

"Yeah, guys. Just shut up," another friend of Link and Gordon's, Quinn, shushed them too loudly for James' liking. He reprimanded them all the next second,

"Everyone's being too loud. Just be quiet, please. We're already here."

I pushed to the front of the crowd, repeating the passcode three times that the rest of them undoubtedly forgot already.

The door seemed to melt out of the wall in front of them. I twisted the knob, and revealed Mar, Mary, Alice, and Lily, who sat on the assortment of couches, chairs, beanbags, and on the floor chatting away.

They let out exclamations of greeting and stood up to usher is through the door with greetings and joyous laughs. The night hand even begun.

"Let's get this party started!" Sirius yelped, pitching a bottle of Firewhiskey to the sky (not even James and I knew were he got it), but he was quickly shushed by James.

When everyone had entered the room I swept my eyes across the corridor. A shadow in the torchlight down the hall reflecting behind a pillar!

I took a step out to investigate, but Lily pulled me in to join the party, and I gathered my wits.

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