Ms. Flowers

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Just a right chapter of lively banter for you guys. I'm building up to something... I swear this is going somewhere. - Seattle



"Oh, thank Merlin you're okay, Lily!" Alice exclaimed, pulled my to her chest in a tight hug. I awkwardly patted her back and let out a weak laugh. I glimpsed at Marlene and Mary from behind Alice. Mary gave me a lopsided smile, as if she didn't believe I was quite okay, and Mar, a simple nod of understanding, as if she knew my pain.

I settled my resolve and straightened out my robes after Alice let me go. I gave all the girls a glowing smile for someone who was recently slammed into a table, and I started towards the grand doors of Hogwarts. However, not before declaring,

"Ladies, to Hogsmeade."

Honeydukes, other party supplies, and shopping aside, the Mar, Mary, Alice, and I were ready for our girl's night. We were just heading to our last stop to chill and pick up some butterbeer.

The first thing I noticed when we stepped in the Three Broomsticks was that it was unnaturally cold, colder than outside even. A shudder goes down my spine, and I could tell everyone else was feeling the cold too. A bunch of Third and Fourth Years were huddled around the fire, and there was a two Sixth Year couples curled up in blankets they supposedly Accioed from their quarters. I hugged my robe around me and followed Mary, Marlene, and Alice to where the barmaid, Madam Rosmerta, was shaking some beverage in a tumbler. She grabbed a towel before twisting the cap off the tumbler and pouring a chunky looking green liquid into a beer mug before sliding it down the bar to a shady looking guy in a secluded corner. She wiped her hands off before turning to use and flashing smile.

"Now, what can I do for you, ladies?" she inquired, now shining another beer mug.

"Could we have three 6-packs of bottled butterbeer, please?" Mary asked, dropping a pile of sickles on the wooden bar. Madam Rosmerta looked startled at such a huge request, but jokingly asked instead,

"Isn't that quite a load of butterbeer for the group of you, ladies? You doing some type of dare? I hope not, because the last time that Black boy and James did it, it didn't end too well for them." Mar snickered, probably at James' stupidity, and I rolled my eyes to the same cause. Alice just shook her head, and Mary answered, ever the proper one, choosing not to acknowledge the playful barmaid's comment,

"It's not quite all for us," she explained, then leaned in close to talk in a whisper. "We're hosting a party tonight after curfew, and we need a few packs for those who're invited."

"I trust you won't tell of this to another students or the teachers, Madam Rosmerta?" I added with a slyly smile. Madam Rosmerta chuckled heartily.

"I'm no old hag, girls," she exclaimed. "I still remembered my best of times at Hogwarts, and some were definitely at late night rebel parties. I won't tell a soul," and she crossed her fingers along with her answer. She then ducked out of sight behind the counter and resurfaced with two packs of cold, bottled butterbeer in carriers. Down again and she popped up with one more pack that landed with a thud on the wooden bar top, rattling our collective stack of sickles.

Mar smiled mischievously and slide a collection of coin across the counter. Madam Rosmerta scooped them up and nodded at us with a professionalized face that melted into a smile,

"Nice doing business with you, girls," she said before double checking the amount. Mar heaved one pack off the bar top, and Alice passed my one before wielding one herself.

"Hey, why's Mary not carrying anything?" Mar complained, us having spelled the rest of our stuff back to our dorm.

"Because she's tiny, I mean, look at these guns," I injected immaturely, flexing my biceps. Alice let out a laugh, and she added,

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