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Remus spent the rest of the afternoon extremely fidgety.

The majority of us were camped out in the Common Room, some just chatting and some catching up on homework (most can tell that I stand under the latter course of action).

After Sirius' realization, Remus had sucked in a breath and turned away from us, towards the entrance of the Astronomy Tower. I think he truly was ready to cry at that moment. I was sure that this was most definitely the Remus we all knew and loved. He was putting others first by warning them about the moon, yet Sirius had to pull that card out of the deck of questions.

I don't even know why Sirius would jump to that conclusion, but I quickly shushed the murmur of doubt that passed through the Marauders by informing them that Remus is in his right state of mind. Remus confirmed it by nodding and telling them that I knew what he was like when his wolf side took over. I chorused in by informing them that he might have gone a little psycho serial killer on my arse during the 7 Minutes in Heaven game, and I added that if Remus ever becomes extremely creepy and predatory, that's his wolf side.

Then, I recalled Sirius responding by yelling out the stupidest thing I have, personally, ever heard.

"Let's call Remus' wolf Pablo!" he exclaimed suddenly.

Remus scrunched up his nose. "Pablo? Why Pablo?"

"Why not Pablo?" Sirius countered. All the Marauders just nodded and shrugged, having heard enough of Sirius' outbursts to not care in the slightest. I just slammed my head into a wall.

"Lily, stop slamming your face into that book. It's almost lunch, you've gotta pack it up," James informed me. I shook myself out of my daydream of an event that barely occurred an hour ago to observe as everyone grabbed their bags and hiking their study materials up to the dorms. They were all getting ready for lunch in the Great Hall.

"Oh, um," I stuttered, having been caught half asleep by James Potter of all people.

"I- I'll just chuck my stuff in my dorm, 'kay?" I informed him. "Wait, for me?"

His classic boyish smile spread across his face. "I'll always wait for you, Lily-bear," he teased me, ruffling my flaming red hair.

I gave him a hard set glare that I didn't really mean before hitching my bag higher on my shoulder and ascending the stairs to the girl's dormitory.


James and I walked in a palpable silence of awkwardness filled with things we didn't say and the things that we have said.

Clack, clack, clack, went shoe heels as they followed the familiar path to the Great Hall from the Gryffindor Common Room.

Down the west corridor, through the right wing, down the stairs, pause for the next one to swing around, another set of stairs, left into the main hall, and then through a set of bold, towering doors. Our feet took us to where we wanted to go, mindlessly, and our words took us to a place we didn't want to go. Mindlessly.

"Just- can you just lay it all out there for a second?" James asked me, cutting through the copious layers of emotion in the air. He, like Remus, was now extremely fidgety.

"What do you mean?" I inquired in return with an air of nonchalance.

"Why don't you like me? Tell me, really. If you put aside the fact that I bullied your best friend, he ended up being a terrible person anyways and I am still very sorry for that, but give me a reason as to this deep-running hatred directed at me?"

I stared out the windows in the corridor as they went by, not really seeing anything. A lot of words shock me in that sentence, but a phrase stood out the most.

I am still very sorry for that.

James has never, up until this moment, ever straight up apologized to me for the way he treated Severus. Granted, he should be apologizing to Snape face-to-face, but I am sure that this was as close as he would ever get without one of them going to the Hospital Wing, non-magical doing or otherwise.

"There is none," I replied coyly, my voice barely a whisper.


"No, there is none because I never hated you, James. Maybe thought of you a pompous, arrogant, bullying, pain in the arse, but I never hated you."

"Really? It's just- I've done so many things that disturb you in hope that you'd think of me as cool like everyone else did-"

"Okay, maybe for a little bit after you basically forced me and Severus to abandon our train compartment in First Year. I may have paced and ranted to myself in our dorm bathroom about how much of a filthy toerag you were," I added, cracking a small smile.

James laughed aloud at that, his nervous nature fading to abashment as he blushed, recalling that day. "I may have been a bit of an onerous child..."

"A bit of a troublesome child?" I guffawed. "You still are!" We let a laugh loose together as we entered the Great Hall.

Most students still couldn't get over it.

Lily Evans and James Potter, laughing, together, after seven years?

There were few that had been waiting for this moment, though. Friends who grinned cheekily at each other, fist bumping and cracking jokes, and also those in the background.

Those wise professors with a twinkle in their eye as they passed owed galleons under the table and grumbled about the absolute ridiculousness of the couple just becoming friendly now.

Professor Slughorn, Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall never ceased to amaze the other teachers with their knowledge of coming up with the most unlikely couples. Too bad they always seemed to be right.


I'm sorry! I have deprived thy loyal readers from their Jily for so long! Can you believe that I actually just forgot to post the chapter that I had already finished 2 weeks ago? -.- I hated my selective memory.

Yes, I remember every time (in vivid detail) a BTS member has danced to "Up&Down" but I can't remember to post a Wattpad chapter and I can't remember when that math test is going to be and I can't remember what sentence I'm on in a book sometimes if I blank out in thought long enough! xP

Welcome to SeattleAwesome's Deep, Late Night Thoughts. ;P

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