Chapter 6

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Pete, frustrated, rolled over and shut off the alarm when it began to emit the ear piercing shrill. He slammed the phone down after the sound stopped and draped his hand back over Patrick's waist. The ginger groaned and rolled over, shoving his face into Pete's neck.

"Where to today?" He mumbled, still half-asleep. Pete reached over the body that was curled against him and picked up the folded paper.

"Mexico City Public Library. Read through the information that is provided in both books and online on during World War II. Anything related to secret societies is considered evidence and must be recorded and sourced."

"Do you even know how long that's going to take?" Patrick complained. "I really rather just stay in bed."

"Me too, but we do have jobs to do, sadly. I need to get a shower," his voice dropped an octave. "Want to join me?"

Patrick chuckled and raised his head to be face to face with Pete.

"I would, but I would also like to leave this hotel at some point today. Plus I have to call my parents, today's their anniversary."

Pete hummed in response but leaned forward to kiss Patrick. It was slow and dirty, and Pete pulled away too soon for Patrick's liking. He climbed out of bed and made his way to the bathroom.

Patrick waffled around in bed for awhile, then finally picked up his phone and punched in his mother's number. She answered on the second ring and he talked to her for a few, then she passed the phone to his father. He gave the same congratulations on one more year together and ended the call after some comforting small talk.

Patrick waddled out of bed after putting the phone down and he rummaged around in his suitcase to get dressed. He was just finishing buttoning up his shirt when Pete stepped out of the bathroom and pulled on a pair of dress pants and a belt.

"Do you want to go out to breakfast before we go to the library? I don't think this hotel has much." Pete walked over to where Patrick was looking into the mirror. "I'm sure there's someplace down the street."

"I think you would need to put on a shirt if you want to go out in public," Patrick laughed. Pete pulled him into a bear hug and rested his chin on the top of the shorter one's head. "Don't you think we're doing a little too much for knowing each other for less than a week?"

"You asked me that last night, are you not content with this? I can totally lay off if you need me to." Pete looked down at Patrick with worry.

"I'm just normally not one to rush into things. I guess I just feel a little crazy for cuddling against the man I wished to kill, like, three days ago." Patrick chuckled to himself and rested his forehead on Pete's bare shoulder. "I am content, but maybe a little delusional at the same time. Okay, lets get something to eat and go to work."

At the iHop down the road, Pete and Patrick slid into a booth and both ordered eggs, bacon, and pancakes. There wasn't much more to talk about on the case, so the conversation traveled from family, to their childhoods, all the way up to joining the force. By the time the food was put down in front of them, Patrick was already explaining his last mission and the break he took after it.

"And then I got this weird letter in the mail," he continued, shoving a forkful of fluffy pancakes into his mouth. "I thought it was a scam, but I went to the base and sure enough, they needed me on this case. I was iffy about being back so soon, but I finally agreed to it. You don't even know how pissed off I was when I heard I would have to do it with a partner."

Pete grinned and reached across the table to hold Patrick's hand lightly. "And I'm sure you were even more pissed off about meeting me, but I think things worked out just fine."

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