Chapter 3

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As the plane was descending, Patrick took out the folded paper from his pocket and read it over for the thousandth time that flight. The plan was to take a cab to the Ramada hotel and stay in the room that was reserved for them. From there, they would look in the mission file and follow the further instructions.

Business class was let off first, signaling Pete and Patrick to grab their backpacks and make their way to the bottom floor of the airport to get the rest of their luggage. It wasn't busy at all since it was getting later in the evening, giving the partners more time since there were no crowds to work through.

After the long wait for their suitcases, Pete stepped into one of the cabs already waiting outside of the airport and Patrick followed close behind. The driver thankfully knew where to go and dropped the two off at the hotel without any trouble. Cabs always freaked Patrick out a little bit.

Pete checked in at the front desk and picked up the two electronic keys while Patrick unloaded the trunk of the yellow car and handed some cash to the driver. Both of the men were happy to flop down on the queen sized bed when they entered their room.

Unfortunately, the CIA is cheap and wouldn't reserve them a room with two separate beds, but Patrick expected such. He wouldn't be surprised if it was the same way for the rest of the mission.

"So should we get into this case or what?" Pete said while still laying flat on his back. Patrick sighed heavily, but pushed himself off the bed and retrieved the folder from his work bag. He settled down on the floor and flipped past the first few pages.

"Little Italy, Italian Restaurant. 46 Elm Street. Ask to speak to the manager, Mr. Costa. You will receive further information and instructions from him. Apply this to what you already know and continue the research." Patrick read off the instructions out loud from the page. As he re-read them to himself, Pete spoke from his spot on the bed.

"Little Italy, open until 11 pm," He read from his phone. "It's about 10 now, if we leave now and make it there without trouble we should have enough time to get our orders."

"Alright let's go then."

Pete typed in the address into his maps app on the ride down the elevator and figured out the restaurant was within walking distance. The partners made it there in only a few minutes and they entered the building that had a stone façade.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked when they approached the front podium. Patrick felt a tiny blush on his neck but he quickly shook his head and replied.

"No m'am, we need to speak to Mr. Costa please." Her expression creased in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I won't be able to let you do that. We don't have managers come out to consult with customers." Patrick opened his mouth to talk but Pete beat him to the response.

"Oh no, we aren't customers and we must speak with him in private." Pete flashed his badge and Patrick caught on and quickly did the same. The hostess was taken back but got someone to cover for her as she lead them to what was presumably his office.

"Sir? There are two men here to see you."

Pete and Patrick took a small step into the room and the hostess closed the door behind them without another word. Mr. Costa spun in his chair to face them and he smiled sweetly.

"Hello boys! Glad to see you made it. Please, take a seat." The man motioned to the two chairs in front of his desk and opened his laptop. He pulled out his badge from his pocket. "I'm Detective Costa, you must be Pete and Patrick."

"Yes sir. We were told to come and see you for further instructions on our mission?" Patrick was thankful Pete was doing most of the talking.

"Correct. Unfortunately, this mission is going to be a little bit like a scavenger hunt for you two. Each place you stop, there will be information for you on the g.o.d. and more travel plans. It has to be this way to keep everything as confidential as possible." Pete and Patrick nodded but stayed quiet to hear the rest of the instructions.

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