8. Help from Harry

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Jessica's PoV

Oh my what has just happened.
Why do I feel like this?
I move my leg and it twitches.

"Honey, are you awake? are you ok?" I hear a familiar voice say.

Oh god. I remember. Simon my mum. This is awful.
I slowly sit up on the couch I'm on.
My mum sits in front of me with sorrow in her eyes.
"Honey I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought it would be to much for you to handle. Simon is always in the limelight and I didn't want that getting to you. I thought this trip would be a good time to tell you now that... Umm" She mumbled.
"Now that what mum?!" I said.
"Now that me and Simon I getting married," she spurted out.

OMG. Is she being serious...
I can feel my fists clench beside me.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH! HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed jumping up from the sofa and running out the door.

Harry's PoV
I saw her run out the room and down the corridor. She was crying.

All the boys looked at Simon urgently.

"I'll go after her!" I shouted and turned round and ran in the direction Jessica went.

I ran down the long corridor and saw Jessica open the exit door.
"WAIT!!!!" I shouted.
She stopped abruptly and turned round.
Her eyes were swollen and full of tears and mascara stained her cheeks.

I walked up to her without thinking and wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her very tight. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Shhh it's ok Jess," I whispered in her ear as she sobbed in to my shoulder.

"It's not ok. ITS NEVER BEEN OK HARRY!," she screamed fisting my shirt still sobbing.

"I'll take you back to your hotel Jess," I said and picked her up bridal style.
"Harry you don't have to its fine." She whispered.
"I insist Jess," I replied.
I walked out the exit and waved off the security to leave me alone and placed her into my Black Range Rover.

"WHO'S THAT HARRY?!" Someone shouted. *CLICK

I jumped into my car and zoom off down the street.
I drive through LA to Jessica's hotel.
She was in the passenger seat with her head in her hands. Throughout the journey I patted her arm as comfort to calm her still unsteady breathing.

I pulled up outside the hotel and parked.
Then I heard the clicks of a familiar sounding noise.

Jessica suddenly looked up surprised by the sudden noises around the car.

"JESS PUT YOUR HEAD DOWN AND WAIT HERE A SECOND," I stated and she done as I said.
I grabbed my keys and forcefully opened the car door, which pushed the paparazzi away for a second giving me a chance to get round to Jessica's door.

I opened the door.

I then quickly took off my black hoodie and placed it over her head and face.
"This will protect you ok." I said as I picked her up bridal style while slamming the car door shut with my foot.


Oh god. How do they know Jessica's name?!
This is all my fault.


OMG. He did not just say that.
I stopped in the middle of the crowd and turned round to face the disgusting person who shouted it.

Suddenly as I was about to retaliate I felt
Jessica move to my ear and whisper something.
"Harry. Ignore him and get inside ok," she said quietly brushing her soft lips agains my earlobe.
I turned back round and pushed my way into the the hotel lobby.

We were in the lobby and I placed her back down on the ground so she was standing up.
We stood there in silence for a few seconds before making our way to the elevator and going up to the penthouse.

We got to the door and I broke the awkward silence.

"Jessica, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Everything that's happened today is all because of mmmmee, the paparazzi, Simon evvverything " I stuttered, nervously chewing my bottom lip.

"Harry it's fine. You didn't force my mum to be with Simon so this is in no way 'your fault' ok." She said.

"Ok well go and get some rest and I'll pop by in a few hours to see you ok? We could go and get some dinner or something," I said casually.

Wait. Did I just ask her out on a date? I can't believe I just did that.

"Is Mr Harold Styles asking me on a date?!" She asked wiggling her eyebrows, pretending to be shocked and holds her hand on her heart.

"Don't push your luck Jessica," I say back sassily crossing my arms.
We both start laughing.

"And Jessica thanks for helping me not react to that pap," I say shyly looking down at the ground.
"Don't worry about people like that Harry. Your real fans, friends and family know you would never do anything like some off the stuff that they say you get up too," she says giving me a cute smile.

We then exchange numbers so I can talk to her about tonight's plans.

I give her a big bear hug.

I then said "and by the way Jess... It is a date."
I span round on the heel of my boot leaving a blushing girl standing in the doorway.

This was going to be a fun evening.

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