Welcome Back Baby mel..i think...

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-Roc's P.O.V-

We were all went home but all of us stayed up trying to figure out a way to go to Texas and still have Ray's and Kaka's baby. Why the hell did she steal my baby?I sighed and went to bed with Jene..she was sleep.I still couldn't sleep..My baby is gone and I don't know what could happen to her any minute..I went to my office and opened my computer..I searched through everything trying to figure out who this female was.I don't associate with females when I work cause I knew something would come up like this.the only female I do work with now is Kaka and a couple of her old friends..I need to find my baby! Ray walked in he look like he was on cloud 9..This nigga got high. during a time like this..?!
"I found some dirt on ole girl."
"she aint in Texas for one..she had a texas number..She somewhere in New York..I don't know where exactly though..She like 19.Jay's ex girlfriend. had a baby by but somebody killed him.Him and Jay died on the same day.Thats probably why she took Mel..she think we killed Mel too..she stupid for one still somewhere in New York instead of leaving here.."I nodded Kaka walked in and sat in Ray's lap
"We went to high school with this chick" she sat a folder on the table" she was known as the oe around school..Her name Daisy.she got red hair with some kinda blonde highlights..light skinned..about 5'4.."
"pretty thick if you ask me"Ray interrupted her..she popped him upside the head and kept talking
"She got a nose ring and lip ring, probably a tongue ring she a freak hoe..She got tattoos everywhere.."I stopped her
"How you know all this?"
"Nigga I do better research than the FBI! im telling you I got yall..anyway she always at some house in the hood..on the south side..probably next to us..instead of over there..Just gotta be awhere of your surroundings. I think yall home boy Marcus can hook yall up..He associate with the hoe..probably knew she took the baby.." anger filled my body..I knew I couldn't trust him!
"anything else?"
"Not that I know of..oh yea she work at that strip club around the street and work at wal mart in the day time from 8-6..leave there and go to work from 7-12..How she have time to take care of mel?I don't even know."
"We could of been used you!Ray why you been hiding her?"He shrugged I agve him a look"well after we get Mel back..we need to gone ahead and move to ATL"
"so It can lead us into more trouble?"this girl got a smart as smouth.How ray and Jene put up with her?
"No..so we can start over.."
"lie! I know that for a fact yall niggas aint dropping the street life!Stop saying yall will..cause when we get to ATL..yall aint gone do none but work yall way up again..plus what about my damn baby?She still in there for another 4 months?"
"we can fly here to another hospital.."
"If she die imam whoop yall asses!"she got up and walked out..
"anyway I say we hit up that strip club and get this hoe tonight.."Ray nodded in agreement..

-Jene's P.O.V.-

I got up and took a shower.I decided to see if kaka wanted to go out today..Crying aint gone get me my baby..I know they done found some stuff on this chick so I might as well leave it up to them..But imma kill that hoe!i went downstairs and saw kaka sitting at the counter
"good morning.."
"u straight?"
"Yea im okay..crying aint gone solve nothing so I decided to go out today..wanna go?"
"yea.."she grabbed her phone and gun of course..i rolled my eyes"Girl you could never be too safe..knowing ray and roc they got somebody watching us"
"ROC!We going out today!"
he came out his office"Dont go to far"
"don't worry about us ngga you know I stay trapped.."kaka held up the gun..i started laughing..He shook his head and walked back in his office"lets hit up wal mart first"we got in my truck
"Remember Daisy?She the one who got yall baby!She just might be at walmart.."I nodded and drove to wal mart
"i cant believe this hoe she always jealous and shit of me!How you gone be the top nitch bitch but you work at walmart?"
"She aint shit never was shit and aint gone be shit!"We walked in..Kaka pointed to this girl..It was her
"How you gone steal somebody baby and be out in public?"
"Guess she gotta work to take care of your baby..she stupid as hell.."we started walking around at first"keep a close eye on her..but anyway Roc and Ray said we gone move to ATL..when we get Mel back..I think its good but you know they aint gone quit they just gone work they way back up."
"and you done become a thug now.so you aint got no room to talk..''
"I don't know what you waiting on you might as well join us..plus it would be fun to nag roc and ray around..i saw you try it out and gone ahead and join..we can do our own thing them niggas cant stop us.."
I shook my head"naw I think I will be a stay at home momma...I can watch Mel and Hope since you wanna run the streets again.."
"No this is only for you..its kinda boring though sitting at home doing nothing and let them do all the work im used to being the leader you know?i can school them two..i got more street sense than them..i been doing this for the longest!'
" okay don't get too cocky"i started laughing.."i miss old times though when we used to double date and stuff but now they too busy"
"too busy how?all you gotta say is you wanna fuck they will drop everything right then and there!"
I busted out laughing "you too much"
"im that serious..can we get ole girl now?"
"yep"we got a whole bunch of snacks and stuff and went to the check out where she was looking a little nervous
"Hey Daisy..."
"so where's my niece.."she looked like she was finna run"dont run.."kak showed her the gun.."finish ringing us up and come with us.."she nodded her head and finished and then got from behind the register.."be nice and I wil be nice to you..real funny how you  bad bitch but you work at wal mart?!"
She started to talk"shut the fuck up bitch!"i pushed her in the back of the car..i sped off to the house
Roc and ray was sitting on the couch..I dragged her in by her hair "Roc look what we found!"
He smirked"SO where my baby at? we wont hurt you if you tell us where she at? I talked that back I won't but jene will.."
"Don't worry about where she at!"
I got in her face" Please don't make me hurt your ass!Where the fuck my baby at? You know what roc tie this bitch up!"he laughed and started tying her up. He pulled tight
She screamed as he pulled tighter and tighter "I still wont tell you "I snatched the gun from kaka and put it o her head"I killed craig and wont hesitate to kill you! "a tear rolled down her face "Bitch save that shit for somebody who care! I heard why you took my baby! I killed Jay not yall damn baby!"
I cocked the gun back.."fine!"she at my momma's house!She stay right down the street..
"I told yall she aint got it all"kaka started laughing.."yo ray lets roll and get this baby. Let them handle they business "he nodded and walked out the house
"Lets have a woman to woman talk. I am going to beat your ass and I am going to kill you.."
She spat in my face "I hate you hoe! You always thought you was the top bitch of high school!"
I slapped her and started punching her in the face."no I didn't!They gave me the attention!You think I liked it hel nawl!Oh you think I stole roc from you too?!Roc you fucked this hoe?"
he mumbled something.."What nigga?" "once! this was before you!"
"I should slap the hell out of you..imma let it go caus eall I want is my baby now!"
She started laughing"please kill me already!"
"not until my baby get here!i think I will enjoy beating the hell out of you til they come..or shoot you slowy..."
"just kill me already!..yall took jay and my baby my momma hate me..i have no reason to live"
"Nope.."i started beating the hell out of her until ray and kaka come back..

an hour later they finally came back..I stopped and ran over to mel..she looked sick as hell..i broke down a little inside..I kissed her long as I have my baby im straight..
"hoe imma spare you your life.."she was half way alive
"You nice as hell..I would kill this bitch.."kaka walked over to her and slapped her.."You like stealing people's baby.."
"please just let me go!I promise yall I wont bother yall again!"
"you was just telling me to kill you and now you saying let you live!"I jumped a lil..roc shot her in the stomach..she passed out...it caught me off guard Mel was crying like hell...
"Roc I think she's more than sick"she was pale..Kaka and me jumped in the truck and rushed her to the hospital..we was walking back and forth worried about her..ROc and ray came in 35 minutes later
"We took her to her momma house and left her there on the steps..she sould be in for a surprise..I called your momma and and the rest they said they will be up here in a few.."
Kaka came and hugged me"Come on lets go see Hope..."I nodded and walked to see her..i smiled a little"she so freaking tiny.."
"what you expect she was born at three months..its a fucking miracle she still alive..god must of heard me praying..i cant wait til she get to come home.."
"Have yall got to hold her?"
"no..she gotta be kept in a sanitized place cause of her immune system.."i nodded a doctor came up to us
"are yall the parents of Melody August?"me and roc nodded."well she's......

I didn't choose the Thug life,it Chose me!(Mindless Behavior)(Roc Royal/Ray Ray)Where stories live. Discover now