We miss you..

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-Kaka's P.O.V.-

I ain't been the same since Ray got shot..Its been a week since all that happened and Ray is still in a coma..I can't even think straight with him gone..I cried all I could..I'm tired of crying now..Its scarier because he might not wake up..Being shot in the stomach shouldn't be the big deal right? Well he shot in the same place again and the wound was just now healing..And now its going to take a longer time..I haven't eaten or slept. I been home by myself because Martez had to fly back to NY to handle business..Jene and Roc been trying to solve all this shit and get down to the bottom of it..I just want Ray to wake up..The kids been at Ray's momma house she don't want them to see me like this..The doorbell rung "Its open!" it was Mariah..She's been here for me since the day Ray got locked up.She been helping me out alot..

"Hey girl!"She had a bag in her hand "I brought you so Taco Bell and a frozen strawberry lemonade!Your favorite! And look who came with me"Dreyshawn and Hope ran from behind her.

"Mommy!!!"Hope jumped in my lap.I gave her and Drey a big hug.

"Mommy,Cheer up,Daddy with make it. He's strong!"Drey wiped my face

"You need to eat!You loosing to much weight!Mariah handed me the bag.

"I'm not hungry"

"K its been a week..You need to get up and do something.You been having a lot of business at the studio and I been backed up because we still short staffed.."

I sighed "I don't wanna do nothing..If it ain't got nothing to do with me and a gun in my hand I don't wanna do anything"

"So you just wanna kill kill kill?"

"Yes!Ray didn't deserve that!He was taking up for me!"

"Girl stuff happens for a reason..He will make it or it might be his time to go"

I started to cry"No its not.."Drey looked at me "Can we go see daddy?"I nodded and got to get dressed.When I was done Mariah drove us to the hospital..I cried the while way there. She rubbed my shoulder "He will be fine."

When we got there the doctor was leaving the room."Is he doing any better?"

He scribbled something on a clipboard and smiled "Actually he is..He woke up once but black out.He's in a mild coma now.So now he can hear what you're saying. He might respond by squeezing your hand"

"Thank you."I stood outside..I didn't wanna see him hooked up to all those machines..A dude walked by and was staring real hard the fuck?He walked by and bumped me "Excuse you too nigga!"He smirked and kept walking..Mariah came out.."Come in and see him..they took him off all the machines.."I sighed and walked in..The kids was on the bed talking to him.Drey was probably talking his head off..I sat on the edge of the bed and held his hand I sighed "Ray I know you can hear me..Please wake up I'm begging you too..I miss you so much..I can't go this long without you. The kids miss you,Roc misses you,Jene misses you,everybody misses you..I wish you would wake up soon.I haven't ate since that day..I ain't been the same..Nothing has been the same..Its so boring without you..We need something funny to cheer us up while we getting to the bottom of all of this madness.."a tear slid down my face"I love you Ray"he squeezed my hand.I smiled a little and kissed his cheek..Dreyshawn kissed his cheek "Bye daddy" Hope gave him a kiss and giggled..I gave him one more kiss then we left..and went to Jene's house

-Ray's P.O.V in his coma..he was dreaming

I saw a white light..this can't be my time to go..Or is this a form of punishment..I walked towards the light.I didn't want to but my feet started moving for me.I saw God?

"Is this my time to go?"

"No son..This is a wake up call"he said unto me"Come"He grabbed my hand and we started walking..I saw Kaka sitting on our couch crying her eyes out.."She hasn't eaten,sues barely sleeping. She cries herself to sleep at night every night..She won't even leave the house..She loves you very much.."

I sighed.."I'm doing all of this too her"

"You've sinned..A lot..Asking for forgiveness can't solve anything.."

"What does that mean?I'm going to hell?"

"No..get your life together..be strong and wake up for her and the kids."

With that he disappeared..I woke up and saw a lot of doctors standing around me..They started asking me a lot of questions and unhooking me from machines..and with that I blacked out..5 minutes later Mariah and the kids walked in..I heard their voices..Drey jumped on the bed and began talking "Daddy we miss you!Staying at Grandma's isn't fun..I miss being at home..Please wake up and come home so we can be one big happy family..Me and Hope miss you so much..We love you daddy.."I squeezed his hand to let him know I love him back..I heard Hope giggling. "I luh you daddy"She kissed my cheek..Soon I heard kaka come in and started talking..she grabbed my hand "Ray I know you can hear me..Please wake up I'm begging you too..I miss you so much..I can't go this long without you. The kids miss you,Roc misses you,Jene miss you,Everybody misses you.I wish you would wake up soon.I haven't ate since that day..I ain't been the same..Nothing has been the same..Its so boring without you..We need something funny to cheer us up while we getting to the bottom of all of this madness..I love you Ray" I squeezed her hand..it broke my heart to know she hasn't eaten or slept..I miss my baby and my kids..I'm trying to wake up..Every time I wake up I black out every time..

I didn't choose the Thug life,it Chose me!(Mindless Behavior)(Roc Royal/Ray Ray)Where stories live. Discover now