Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was up stairs bout to get ready to go out with Jamal. He was down stairs with Ale'anna and Mike waiting for me. I put on a gray and white short tank top dress with my gray thong sandals. I pulled my hair up into a bun. I put in my diamond earrings and was ready to go I grabbed my phone and walked down stairs.

" Damn you look good ma." Jamal said.

" Thank you."

" So you ready."

" Yeah." We all left at the same time Ale'anna was going to her house with Mike, and we all planned to meat up with each other later. Me and Jamal got into his white two door BMW and he sped off in no time.

" So where are we going." I asked him.

" You'll see, just sit back and enjoy the ride." A few minutes later he pulled his car up to this unfamiliar park.

" Where are we?"

" My family is having a cookout."

" Wait don't you think its to early for me to meet your family."

'Its never to early for a friend to meet my family, come on you'll love them." He came out and open my door then closed it behind me he took my hand and we walked over to the group of people in the park. I was kind of nervous what if they didn't like me? We first walked over to a group of boys playing domino.

" Whassup, whassup."

"Oh if it isn't young molly." one of the boys said.

" Who is this gorgeous young lady."

" Oh excuse my manners, Shay this is my older brother Kamar, my cousin Slim, my father, and my brother in law Stephon."

" Its nice to meet you Shay." His father said.

" Its nice to meet you to.."

"Call me Roy."

" Okay Roy."

" Its about time my brother brings threw a pretty girl." I blushed.

" Jamal what took your ass so long." A female that looked just like him came over to us.

" And this is my annoying sister Brianna"

" Hello its nice to meet you, what's your name."


"Your pretty, how old are you."

"Non of your business." Jamal spoke. " What is this 21 questions."

"Oh please I'm just trying to get to know the girl. You ain't bring a girl home since your son was born. Did he tell you he got a son?"

I laughed at her." Yes he did."

" Damn ya'll niggas will blow a nigga up in a second." Jamal said wrapping his arms around my waste

" Not us her she talk to fucking much." Kamar said.

" Shut the fuck up before I start telling your business." She said and walked away.

" Don't even worry about Brianna."

" That was rude though."

" Don't worry bout her. Come on lets go meet my mom." He took my hand and we walked over to this short light skin beautiful women. Who was holding this cute little boy. he looked a lot like Jamal that was probably his son.

" Hi mom."

" Hi honey." He hugged her and took the little boy from him.


" Whassup lil man."

" I miss you daddy."

" I miss you to. And I want you and grandma to meet some one." Before Jamal could introduce me to his mother she stepped in front of him and did it herself.

" Hello, I'm Jamal's mother you can call me mom." I giggled at her kindness.

" Its nice to meet you mom, I'm Shay."

" Hi Shay." The lil boy said.

" Hi sweetie what's your name."

" Prince."

" You really look like a Prince, your so cute." " Thank you I get from daddy."

"Awww he's so cute Jamal.'

"Thank you."


Jamal family and I was all sitting at the table eating and making jokes. He really had a nice family.

" So Shay where are you from." Jamal's mom asked

" I was born her in Brooklyn."

" Do you live with your parents."

"Umm, I live with my mother. My father is in prison ."

" I'm sorry to hear that. What does your mother do for a living."

" She is a Register Nurse."

" That's good."

" Do you have brothers and sister." Roy asked.

" I'm the only child for my mother but I have a older brother name Quani."

" Nice."

 * 6 o clock *

" you want to Coney Island, me you and Prince."


" light come on." He picked up Prince we said our good byes and we walked to Jamal's car. Jamal strapped Prince in the back and then we got in.

" So how you like my family so far."

'There really nice. You have a happy family."

" Yeah I do."

" Daddy"

" Whassup lil man."

" I want ice cream."

" Iight lets go get some ice cream." After we got our ice cream we went to Coney island.  We all got out and started to walking around to see what rides Prince can go on. When a group of girls walked up to us.

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