Chapter 10

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Shay P.O.V

They sent me home from the hospital two weeks later. I was so glad to be home i was tired of that hospital food. My mom came and got me at the hospial, Jay couldn't come cause he said he had something to do, but said he would come over later. Me and my mom was laying down in living room watching tv when we heard a knock at the door. My mom got up and went to get the door and it was mail man.

" Thank you." I heared her say. And she closed the door. " Hey you got a letter from your dad." She said passing me the letter. I did not wait to open it excited to see what he had to say.

Dear Princess,

I was so glad to finally get a letter from you. I thought you had gave up on me. You make me have hope on getting out of this place. I went to my parole officer and she told me I was getting out next month due to good behavior. I can't wait to see you Quani and your mother. How is she doing by the way? I hope Quani holding things down like he promised. How is your friend Ale'anna? Hows school? Do you have a boyfriend? Quani told me he got a lil girl and she looked like you. Damn i can't wait to see you baby girl. I love you and I hope you write me back I want to know whats going on with you. Tell your mom I love her.

I smiled as it got to the end. I was really glad to finally hear from my dad. He was coming out next month I had to plan a welcome home party for him. I can't wait.

" Daddy said to tell you he loves you ma."

'" Awww what else did he say."

" He said he was getting out next month due to good behavior."

" Oh really thats good to hear."

" i know so we have to plan a party for him."

" I know I'm so excited."


Ale'anna had came over and we was at the house talking up stairs in my room. She looked like she lost weight instead of gain any.

" So whats new i feel like we haven't talked in a while."

" I know. Well me and Mike broke up."

" Why."

" I just didnt want to be in a relationship, and i'm not ready for a baby so i had a abortion." My eyes popped open. I was so Shocked at her answer.

" Are u serious."

"Yup. I mean i'm not ready for a baby."

" You making me feel bad."

"Don't because Jay is gonna be there for u Mike on the other hand can't be trusted so i dnt want nothing to do with him."

" Damn, So u moved back in with ur mom."

" Yes I did."

" Okay thats whassup." There was a knock at my door , and Jay came in holding a dozen red roses, and a big brown teddy bear.

" Hi baby." I said. Getting up out my bed to give him a hug and kiss.

" Whassup sexy. Whassup Ale'anna."

" Hi Jay."

" Baby girl You look tierd as hell. I hope you been sleeping."

" A lil."

" I don't want to hear that shit."

" Okay i'm going to get some sleep tonight."

" You better."

" Anyways I'm bout to get outta her. Imma come and check on you tomorrow."

" Okay." We hugged and she said bye to Jay before leaving. Me and Jay got into my bed and cuddled up.

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