Part 16

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I went into the bathroom and did my make up
I wanted to look good for her
I dressed on and ran over to her house
She opened the door and began to smile
'Hey what are you doing here?'
'Wanted to see you' I answered and hugged her
I felt her heartbeat it was like she would blow up in a few seconds
I could feel that there was something between us
I knew there was something a feeling I only had when I saw her
'Calm down babe' I whispered and right after it I was shocked about myself
Wot m8? (Hahaha sorry but it's lauren style)
She took my hand and we walked upstairs
I saw jack flashing away and then I felt a paper in my hand
I followed cloe in her room and began to read
"YOU CAN'T LIKE A GIRL THAT'S DISGUSTING" I got scared and went to the ground
Jack is stalking me?
He's the one who's writing me?
Cloes brother?
'Lauren you're okay?' Cloe asked
'No you're brother is writing me..' I answered and showed her everything
'This dumb idiot!' Cloe said loud and stood up
'I'll show him what's disgusting' she said and pulled me out of her room

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now