Part 57

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---few weeks late---
I stood under a tree
It was raining but I still tried to focus on my lyrics
Christina held up a umbrella and with the other hand the camera
We shoot the wildest dreams cover
We were crazy like always
We jumped around and laughed very loud
Cloe jumped with me and sang too..
Her baby bump surprised me as she jumped before my eyes
She was only 5 months but it looked like she would be 7...
It was clear that it would be bigger but that big?
I ran to her kissed her stomach and fast turned around again
I don't know what hit me to do this but it was probably wrong
Cloe still laughed but christina turned down the camera and seemed disappointed
'Really lauren really?' She whispered and her eyes began to search around till they stopped as they spotted katherine
She looked away from us and tried not to cry
'Dang it!' I didn't though about kath's feelings
'Kath?' Dani asked friendly and smoothly
'I'm okay dani!' Kath smiled and went to the tree where we shoot her scene
She tried to sing her part but she always began to cry
'I never meant that I like to hurt her
I just didn't thought about her in that moment' I said to lisa while she edited the video
'I know but God dang we are the reasons why she lost her child! We NEED to think about her!' Lisa said and pushed the "save" button
'I know it was just like our trip... Cloe always laughed like this all the time
I just forgot that we shoot a video' I said slowly and quite...

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now