Part 22

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--30 Minutes later--
I sat on my bed and cloe was in my arms
'It's okay that I stay here?' Cloe asked shy
'Of course! I don't let you back into this house!' I whispered and looked into her green eyes
They seemed so lonely but also filled with happiness
Poor cloe
Her dad must be like that very long
'I love you' Cloe said and kissed me but than lisa opened my door
'Hey laur- oh I'm sorry' she said shocked and closed the door again
But 5 second later she opened it again
'What?' She asked and looked confused
I began to smile trough the kiss and finished it
'What what? I thought you could see clear or do I need to bring your glasses?' I laughed
Lisa just stared at us
'You never saw a kiss before?' I asked laughing
'Lauren I.. um you.. what?' She stumbled
'Cloe is my girlfriend lisa I love her' I said and took cloe's hand
I'm proud of us I don't need to hide it
'Really?' Lisa asked, closed the door and came to us
'Yes' Cloe smiled and looked at lisa
'What happened to your eye?' She said worried
'My dad' she whispered
'Your dad?'

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now