Part 25

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I woke up because Katherine tried to opened the door
She must searched for her car
Cloe was sleeping in my arms
She looked so beautiful but when I turned around to stand up she stumbled something
I went out of the car and fixed my hair
'Good morning' I said sleepy
'Lauren! Why you took my car? Seriously that's not funny' she said angry
'Sorry I had a very big emergency' I said and looked at cloe
She was awake and tried to smile friendly
The Sun was reflecting in her face and a few hair covered her eyes
'A big emergency? What? Pranking Katherine by stealing her car? Wow very big emergency I see' she said annoyed
'No look cloe ran away and I needed to find her.. it's very complicated in her life right now she needs me now' I said and begged a little
'Lauren she's just your friend..' kath answered
'She's not just a friend...' I said shy
'She's my girlfriend kath..' I said and looked at her eyes
'Okay fine but Don't take my car again' she tried to sound normal but I could hear that she was shocked
'We'll drive home' she said fast and sat behind the wheel
Cloe sat on the backseat and smiled
I sat next to her and took her hand
'Love you' Cloe moved her lips but didn't said anything
I just smiled at her and looked at kath through the back mirror she still seemed confused but started driving...

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now