Part 31

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It was the middle of the night when I woke up
My bed was so cold without cloe
My mom serious wanted that she's sleeping in the boys room
Even though she was just 2 rooms away from me I missed her so much
I turned around and tried to sleep again but I couldn't
I stood up and looked at my watch
2:47 am
I was sure that everyone was sleeping so I went over to cloes room
But when I opened my door she was already standing there very sleepy I began to smile
'Hey babe same thought hmm?' I whispered and she nodded 'Come in but be quite' I whispered and she entered the room
She directly went to my bed and laid down
I laid next to her and stared at her eyes
'Missed you' she whispered
and got closer to me
'Same' I answered but she already closed her eyes
'Love you' I whispered and she smiled a little bit...
I never thought that this girl could make me soo happy
It must be destiny that she moved right next to us
Every second with her is better than 100 hours with my other friends

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now