Part 50

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The next days nothing interesting happened
But then cloe got sick again..
She throwed up a million times and got fever
She laid in bed and looked worried..
'We need to go to a hospital' I said and sat behind the wheel
I wanted to start the engine but it wasn't working
I tried it about three times till I gave up
'What's wrong?' Cloe asked sleepy
'It's not working' I said disappointed
'But we need to help you..... We need to walk' I said and went back to her
She stood up and went out of the truck
But when she wanted to take a step she fall on the ground
'I can't... I can't walk lauren it's hurting' she sobbed
I carefully help her up and lifted her up
'Lauren what are you doing?' She asked quite
'Bring you in a hospital...' I said nervous
'Like this?'
We walked on the sidewalk till a car stopped right next us..
I looked to my left and saw alex
'Lauren? Whatcha doing here? And what's with cloe?' He asked worried
'Alex oh my gosh can you drive us to the hospital?' I fast asked and cloe stumbled something
'Sure but why?' He asked confused
'Explain it later' I answered and took cloes on the back seat and sat down next to her
'Hurry up please' I begged
Alex started driving and asked
'What happened?'
'She's pregnant an-'
'Long story but she's not doing well.. She throw up and has fever... I exactly wanted to drive her but our truck is broken and I don't want to risk the babys life so please hurry up!!' I answered nervous and looked at cloe She was about to pass out
'Oh c'mon be Strong...' I whispered
'hey cloe hey' I snapped before her eyes and she slowly opened it again..
'Be strong honey be Strong for your baby!' I whispered and took her hand
'Hurry up please!!!' I looked into Alex's eyes through the back mirror
'I do my best!' He answered and began to drive faster

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now