Part 38

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Real start of the story
Music was playing through my car speakers
The sun slowly began to rise
We drove on the highway the forest our left for more then 100 miles
Cloe was on the passenger seat and sang along to 'lean on'
I just laughed cause it's just sounds horrible
'You're and amazing singer darling' I laughed and looked at her
'I know that I'm awesome you don't need to tell it'
She laughed back
It was 6 pm as we stopped in the middle of a Lonly street somewhere in st. Louis
Our fist goal was to reach Sacramento and then los Angeles
We drove the whole day but now it was time to relax
I parked the car somewhere between trees
The truck had an old mattress in it so we could sleep on it...
It was a beautiful evening
Warm and peaceful...
Cloe and I laid on the mattress and looked up through the big window in the roof
'I can't believe we really did it' she whispered and laid her head on my belly
'We really drove away from all the crazy shit in our live... finally after all this we have time for us and no one is annoying us thank you Lauren Christine Cimorelli I love you more than everything in this world you help me through so much thank you' she whispered tired and slowly got quite
'I love you too' I answered and sat up to kiss her

Europe Change It Book 3 - 'That's why I changed' Lauren Cimorelli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now