Scroll Five

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Panting, I rest my hands on my knees and try to formulate a plan. I'm trapped in the anime adaptation of one of one my favourite manga and Sasuke Uchiha is apparently engaged to me. He's calling me a name that I haven't used for an OC and has just teased me- Sasuke Uchiha?! TEASING?! That's how I know that something is awry, also the fact that Liznel Munoz and I were sucked into my TV screen.

Speaking of Liznel...

Cautiously, I peek around the corner of Ichiraku's and examine the surroundings. TenTen is looking for Neji, hopefully to profess her love, and I see Rock Lee proposing to Sakura Haruno. When she accepts, I'm shocked to Tartarus and back again. Okay, so I totally ship Rockura, but really? Is it because Naruto is totally making out with Hinata inside of Ichiraku's shop and Sasuke is somehow my betrothed that she's settled for her bushy browed admirer? Either way, he surges upwards and kisses her passionately whilst someone cheers loudly. Squinting, I see the indelible shape of my knife crazy best friend.

"OI!" I march over to her.

For once, she's not attached to Gaara.

"Yes, Onee-Sama?" she looks like the definition of innocence, knives be damned.

"We need to talk," I glare.

"About what?"

"You know about what!" I grab her wrist.

Maybe it's because I'm now a kickarse ninja, or the genetic mutation that I have, but I hear someone on the roof running towards us. Not knowing whom to expect, I turn my head and see one of the people that I truthfully least expected. However, that's when I realise that my eyes activate when I'm scared shitless and Kurai's heroic rescue ends in him laying on the ground at our feet, leg twitching like a grasshopper who just walked into a bug zapper.

"Hey! Why'd you genjutsu my OC?!" Liznel whispers harshly.

"Because he's bloodthirsty and I like my blood inside my veins," I snap, tugging her inside of the restaurant.

Fully expecting to see the dipping noodle signs everywhere, we're both surprised to see that Ichiraku's has converted back to ramen. Not remembering this in the anime or the manga, we try to nonchalantly take our seats at the stools and ignore the sounds of the true OTP trying to eat each other's face.

"So, have you figured out what jutsu you have?"

"I have Rin's techniques, and servant apparently. What I don't understand is why I'm dressed like Sakura and not Rin," she sighs.

"You're wearing the outfit I gave an OC in a story that I still have in my Wattpad and Quotev drafts...." I admit.

"Are you shitting me?" her jaw drops.

"No, I'm-"

"Welcome to Ichiraku's!" Ichikraku greets us, almost as energetic as Naruto.

I'm scared...

"Hello there Sir," we greet in unison.

"What can I get for you two lovely ladies?"

"I'd like some miso ramen please!" Liznel's eyes are shaped like hearts.

"You wouldn't happen to have any strawberry pockey, would you?" I inquire.

"For the Kuran princess? I'll make whatever you want," he bows deeply.

"She's a Kuran princess, too," I point at Liznel, confused as why he's treating me differently.

"I'm not a Kuran anymore, remember? I married Gaara," Liznel replies dreamily.

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