Scroll Seven

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Okay, so blindly running around Konohagakure no Seto when I essentially have no idea where I'm going turns out to be a very bad idea. Not only do I end up running into someone, but I make that someone extremely angry. Nervously glancing up from the broad chest that's put a stop to my rampage, I first see two rows of astonishingly sharp teeth and cropped short silver hair.

"Well, if it isn't the little Uchiha girl," Suigestu smirks.

Don't show fear... Don't even smell like you're sweaty!

"I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going," I take an immediate step back and gulp.

"Why the frightened look, Anbā?"

Why is he saying it in Japa- oh, right...

"Well, I kinda got into a fight with the wrong Hyūga and Sasuke isn't too pleased with me," I admitted, but leaving out the part that I knew he could literally eat me in one bite.

"Let me guess, he's upset that you're being informal again and not using the honourifics?" Suigestu crosses his arms and flashes me a lopsided smirk.

"Not exactly..."

"Is it about the wedding?"

"A little," I sigh.

"You're still hesitant?"

Why isn't he trying to rip out my throat already...?!

"A little," I sigh again.

"Is he still going on and on about reviving your clan?"

"Naturally," I roll my eyes.

"Let him know that you're not a baby factory then," he chuckles.

"I just might! So, how are you and Karin?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"She's as short tempered as Sakura, and it's even worse now that she's preg-"


"Sssshhhh! Pipe down, okay? She's sleeping right now, but I'm sure she'll let you be creepy and touch her belly?"

"Excuse me? I'm so not creepy!" I cross my arms and sulk.

"You're an Uchiha, so yes you are. Especially when you're pissed off and/or using those eyes of yours," he shudders.

"Whatever. You're mean."

"Anbā," he sighs, shoulders deflating.

"Enough idle chatting, I have a random question for you."


"Have you seen a scroll around the village?"

"What's it look like?"


Dammit... The fucking mangaka didn't really describe it for me. I could've found it back at the compound and I wouldn't have even known!

"Uh?" Suigestu repeats after me.

"Well, it holds a very powerful jutsu and that's really all that I presently know about it," I frown.

"Scrolls like that would be in Lady Tsunade's office," he offers me.

"Oh, duh!" I hit my forehead with the base of my palm.

I somehow doubt that she has a scroll that's a portal to and fro different universes, though. However, I play along with the idiot facade that I've fooled my parents with for years now.

"It was a pleasure to help," he chuckled, waving before turning around to enter a house.

Pretending to be on my way to meet the Hokage, I break into yet another run and let the events that have so recently transpired reply in my fangirling mind. Firstly, he didn't eat me. Karin and he are also married, expecting a baby no less! I'd be lying if I said that they weren't one of my OTPs, right after NaruHina and Rockura. Oh, Suigestu also acted like we're buddies. Yay! With a smile on my face, I slow down and come to a stop before a familiar eatery. When I last saw the famous author and illustrator, I had just stormed out of Ichiraku's...

It's worth a shot, right?

When I pull back the fabric and take a seat, I discover that the walls are plastered with the dipping noodle signs and see a heartbroken Naruto. Feeling sympathetic, I move and sit next to him. If my bestie and I hadn't busted into the anime and epically changed everything, this is the part where Kakashi and Yamato would be training Naruto to break a waterfall in half before moving onto the double challenge of creating an entirely new jutsu that not even his own father could do. As my hand lands on his shoulder, someone grabs my wrist. Ignoring them, I offer to pay for the sad Uzumaki's meal which I know that I'll only regret if I don't do it in the first place.

When he smiles, I feel myself grinning back at him.

To be honest, I've always wanted to have a meal with him and just be his friend. That's not creepy, right?

"Oi, teme, Amber is a lot nicer than you!"

So, it's Sasuke who has his hand on my shoulder?

Feeling agitated, I grab his wrist with my free hand and glare at him over my shoulder.

"Ask before you grab," I snarl, allowing electricity to flow from me into him.

I feel like Railgun when I see tiny lightning like sparks crawling up his arm.

"WHAT'S WITH YOU THESE PAST FEW DAYS?!" Sasuke scowls, retracting his hand quickly.

"YOU!" I scream back, glaring.

He looks visibly taken aback at my outburst, but doesn't leave.

"How may I help you three today?" Ichiraku smiles, approaching us.

"Naruto and I would like some of the miso flavoured noodles," I smile at him.

"No more pocky?"

"Not right now sir. Thank you, though!" I flash him a bright smile.

"And you, Sasuke?" he looks past Naruto and I.

"Hn," he sits on the otherside of me and looks at the menu, "tomato stew."

"Coming right up folks!" Ichikraku quickly turns, darting back to the kitchen to prepare our meals.

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Sasuke persists.

"I already told you," I snap.

"Teme... She's scary when she's angry..." Naruto cringes back into his stool and the counter.

"Oi, don't speak like I'm suddenly not here anymore!" I rap him on the back of his blond skull.

"Tch," Sasuke rolls his granite eyes.

"I need you two to help me with something," I sigh.

"What?" Naruto grins, yet looks utterly serious.

Sasuke just narrows his eyes at me.

Get the fuck over it, dude. Hot or not, I will still introduce you to my right fist.

"Liznel and I need to find a certain scroll. It contains an extremely powerful jutsu that supposedly can teleport people to different dimensions."

"Why do you need a scroll like that?" Sasuke glares.

Oh, I'm just an Otaku from a completely different world and I kinda need that magickal piece of paper to get my albino arse back home. By the way, Liznel is also from that universe and you're all fictional characters whose creator is trapped here as well!

Can't really say that, now can I?

"To get the fuck away from you, for one thing. It's just a mission that I was given and Liznel is stubbornly refusing to help me," I roll my eyes.

"I'll help, but on one condition," Sasuke suddenly smirks.

"Tch, what do you want now? A statue built in your honour?" I roll my eyes.

"Not quite... I want the wedding moved up to tomorrow," he has an evil gleam in his eyes.

If he's expecting to deflower me, I'm going to decapitate him....!

"Fine," I say on exhale.

He leans in for a kiss just as our food is brought out to us, the server clearing his throat and backing away with a slow pace and a glance downwards away from us.

Saved by dipping noodles.... Who would've guessed?

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