Scroll Ten

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"Wake up!" somebody shakes me.

I roll over onto my side, yawning as my tired eyes remain closed.


"Interrupt my sleep and I'll interrupt your breathing," I sleepily reply.

"Fine, miss school," my little sister groans.

Annoyed, I roll over to face her. Per usual, Tiffany is wearing a psychedelic outfit and my sensitive eyes are tearing up from the sheer amount of neon yellow. She's got her dirty blonde hair done up in a very sloppy bun and her amber rimmed glasses were closer to the edge of her nose than to her eyes. The baggy hoodie which was adorned with her school logo only added to the girl-next-door-that-lives-for-Netflix look. Like me, she's on the paler side but she's on the tanner side of alabaster if that makes any sense.

"I don't even like school anyway," I inform her, glaring.

Don't judge me, but I've always fucking wanted a pair of glasses. Sadly, my eyesight is better than my sister's and that means no eyewear for me. Also, I fucking hate being woken up and I detest school.

"I'll tell your beau that you don't wanna see him," she threatens.

She's unassailably referring to one of my male friends, most likely Charles. Tiffany, for some reason, is under the impression that he's my boyfriend. He's like a younger brother to me, so that would incredibly awkward. Oh, not to mention the fact that he likes PewDiePie. I much prefer the KubScoutz or Markiplier, or Natewantstobattle. BuzzFeed is also really good, as is AzzMan.

Oh wow... I need my meds or my ADHD is gonna get worse...

Grumbling, I toss back the covers and fling my limbs around randomly until Tiffany has mercy on me and helps her klutz of an elder sister stand. Not bothering to change out of my jammies quite yet, I stalk my way to the small kitchen and get to my tippy toes to reach the damned medicine cabinet. Her green eyes narrow at me as she smirks, athletic arms crossed before her 38C chest. Lazily flipping her off, I grab some cream soda and get a mouthful. Once I'm sure that I won't spit out the pills upon them entering my mouth, I tilt my head back and part my lips as I release the tiny capsules from my pinched grasp. Most people do it pills then water, but my gag relax ain't having none of that. A) The pills are gross and I'll turn them into torpedoes and B) water makes me gag.

"Sooo... Do I get to meet him yet?" she presses.

A benefit of us attending separate senior high schools would be that she doesn't know my friends and that I just as blissfully don't know hers.

"I'm single and ready for a pringle," I murmur, wiping off my mouth with my arm.

"Suuuure.... Just get ready for school," she rolls her eyes, sauntering off out the door.

With a sigh, I trudge back to my room and strip down before proceeding to brush my hair. Shimmying on some undergarments, I search the small room for a pair of socks. Quickly finding my favourite Batman kneehighs, I slide my feet right in and set to work grabbing a pair of jeans that weren't torn to bits by one of our four cats. Jeans with holes, sweatpants, and yoga pants are all against the school dress code. See, I attend a learning faculty that prepares its students for [jail time] careers. We have to wear jeans, dress pants, or what our technical area teachers tell us. Luckily, I'm not stuck wearing chef pants all the fucking time. The name of the school is York County School of [Fuckboys] Technology and it is, in every definition of the word, fucking Hell. I only become more aware of this fact each time that I cram my upper body into the black uniform polo for the EC Academy. Don't ask me why culinary arts is in the engineering and construction academy, please don't, because I'm just as confused.

Thanks to my gift of shit timing, my cellular goes off the moment that I move to put on the kitty ear headband that Liznel gave me. Ignoring it, I jam it into my Steelers tote bag and hastily glide my feet into my favourite pair of black leather boots. As it continues ringing, I march my way out the door and lock it behind me since my parents both work third shift and are currently sleeping. Peering up at the reddening sky, I glare and rummage through my bag for my prescription sunglasses as I basically run down the porch's four large stairs that are made entirely of cement.

Why do I have to be awake if the fucking sun isn't even up yet?!?!

Irritated, I still ignore the ringing of my cell and strut my way to the bus stop that's only about a block away from my house. The annoyance continues to build as I pass the bus stop for my sister's school. There's another one, the one that my sister goes to because it's faster and by her friend's apartment building, a block to the east of mine on the other side of the street. She literally rides right past me, Monday through Friday. Well, her bus is passing by just as I make it to my destination. I look up to see her giving me a raspberry from the window and I'm overcome with the urge to halt the bus before boarding it and gutting my younger sibling.

"Hey," one of the freshman greets me.

If my memory serves correctly, his name is Jacob. Like me, he's into anime and manga. Unlike me, he thinks that the elderly need to be killed off so that there's more room and resources for the next generations. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm not into mass homicide or even just regular homicide. Well, I do daydream about it but I wouldn't actually do it.

"How are you?" he tries again.

Between him and my ringing phone, I'm extremely pissed. So, I grab my cellphone and hit him in the face with it. Not really, though. That's just a daydream. A pleasant one that might come true.

"Your phone is ringing, aren't you going to answer it?"

Everybody else is in their own little world, rather uncomfortably leaving Jake to attempt conversation with me. We used to kinda be friends, but then he made that comment and yeah... The fact that we have a mutual friend, Abby, doesn't help anything either.

"What the fuck do you want?" I grind my teeth, finally having had enough of the annoying device.

"It's me," Liznel sighs.

"Girl, why couldn't you have texted me? Better yet, how come you didn't hang up when I didn't answer?!"

"You never set up your voice mail, so I couldn't leave a message. I've been listening to your dial tone for like twenty-five minutes."

"What do you want, Imōto-Sama?" I sigh, pinching my nose.

"I had a weird dream," she sounds nervous.

"You always have weird dreams. You've dreamed about me fucking Andy Biersack! This is your normal," I feel like slapping somebody.

"I promise that there was no sex or band members involved," Liznel says.

"Damn, that is weird for you! Okay, what happened?"

"We got pulled into Naruto Shippuden!"

"That sounds like a cheesy idea for a fanfic," I snort, rolling my eyes.

"Hey!" she complains into my ear.

The bus pulls up and I struggle to board it with no free hands. We keep the chat going as I meekly find my way to my seat, only to find two people already there even though my fucking name is marked there. Grumbling, I edge deeper into the noisy masses until I finally find an empty seat. Once I'm able to comfort my confused friend, I end the call and look out of the window. Being awake is boring, riding on the bus is boring, and school is boring. Feeling extremely bored, I pull a random manga out of my bag and open it to a random page. Judging from the depicted image, it's one of the newer Naruto novels. I've opened up to the page that shows Rock Lee's dream under Madara's control.

LeeSaku... The true meaning of life...

Pleasantly distracted, I continue to read. Something seems off, but I brush it off since it's so early in the morning.

And that's when a boy plumps down next to me, a glare in his onyx eyes.

Well shit....

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