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Liznel munches on several pretzels, crumbs tumbling down her Black Veil Brides shirt. Glaring, I watch as my Imōto-Sama makes a gods awfully mess that I will no doubt be expected to clean all myself. Feeling venomous, I snatch the remote away from her grasp and change the channel because there ain't no way in fucking Tartarus that I'm watching anymore of The Vampire Diaries. Before she can protest, I shove some more salty snacks into her surprising large mouth and turn on the beloved anime channel...

For some reason, the screen glows. It's not like the television giving off a faint light was unnormal, but it full-on glowing is mega weird. Things only get stranger as my bedroom furniture is suddenly sucked into the screen. As I watch my precious Zero Kiryu and Inuyasha plushies disappear, I leap into the TV and fully expect to break the screen or simply bounce back onto my ultra plush mattress. Naturally, the exact opposite of what I expected to happen is exactly what happens.

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO TO NARNIA," I scream and claw at the edges of the television.

Then like a moron, Liznel decides to grab hold of my hand. I'm thrilled to no end that she doesn't want me going to Narnia either, but I don't her to go in my place. I'm weird, I know. The simple truth is that I just don't want either of us to get sucked into my black hole of a television set. To further unnerve me, the episode of Naruto is still playing... Only the characters have noticed my plushies.


And then there's Liznel...


Which is how we both started falling into the long darkness that can be described as creepy. Like really, really, really creepy...

And to make matters more confusing?

I open my eyes and I'm freaking DRAWN!

A look at Gaara and Sasuke only confirms just how so royally fucked we are.

Being brutally murdered by my anime crush...?! How will that look on my fucking tombstone?!?!

Down the Rabbit Hole |||Naruto AU|||Where stories live. Discover now