Scroll Eleven

14 2 0

LeeSaku... The true meaning of life...

Pleasantly distracted, I continue to read. Something seems off, but I brush it off since it's so early in the morning.

And that's when a boy plumps down next to me, a glare in his onyx eyes.

Well shit....

"What do you want?" I glare at my ex, a frown etched onto my pale face.

"You know what I want," Trevor continues to glare.

"Well, I'm kinda thinking no. Go away now," I shoo at him.

Much like everybody else that I know, Trevor is out to annoy me. His black eyes narrow further until they appear closed, his rust coloured curls obviously not brushed and are definitely making him look five years younger. All in all, he's not intimidating me like I believe that he thinks that he is. He's even growling from the back of his throat, his somewhat shaven chin quivering from the effort.

"Why not?" he snaps.

"Because I said so, that's why not. You're boring and I'm tired, so go find another seat!" I yawn.

"I wasn't boring when I-"

I hold up a hand, a death glare in my light blue eyes.

"Stop right there, because whatever it is that you're about to say is a lie. You are boring and then you cheated on me because I wouldn't give you my first anything. Now, leave before I get angry," I warn.

"Whatever. You're expecting a fairytale and it ain't gonna happen," he stands and leaves.

"I'm actually expecting to be single until I die! What fairytale is that from, again?!" I snap.

Naturally, all eyes are on us and the bus driver is glaring. She barks at Trevor until he finds a seat in the front, casting glares at me from over his shoulder. Returning his glare with a one fingered wave, I resume my little break from reality and open my manga again. Grumbling under my breath, I try to calm myself down with the still illustrations that are in black and white on the pages in my lap. However, the feeling that something is off keeps nagging at me. Does the illusion that Madara give Rock Lee include them getting married and having two children? I scratch my head, confused by the seemingly sudden change. Curious, I flip through the rest of the volume and several things catch my eyes. For example, Naruto doesn't cut his hair and I can distinctly remember how much that I disliked it. There's also the fact that Sasuke Uchiha has a twin sister and two older brothers instead of only having one sibling, which would Itachi and Itachi is dead as fuck... More or less...

"What the heck?" I furrow my brows, flipping through the pages again.

Before I can read anymore, the bus pulls up to my school and we're instructed to unboard the vehicle. We all do as told, funnelling into the giant red brick building. Instead of a lobby, I find a room filled with shoe lockers. Startled, I take a step back and feel my back brush against the front of a male student. With a high pitched squeal, I turn to face the boy that I had stepped into and locked eyes with somebody that damn near looked exactly like Yukimaru. Stunned, the apology dies on my lips as he just steadies me and then walks around me like nothing had ever happened.

What the....?!?!

Deciding that this is clearly a dream, I shrug and just go with it. Liznel may have dreamt that we were pulled into Naruto, but now it looks like I'm dreaming that they've come to our universe. I'm obviously still asleep, probably on the bus. That would easily explain why the manga had what I wanted to happen instead of what had actually happened in the real story. And if this is a dream, then I don't have to worry about the consequences of my actions... Which means that I don't have to try so hard to be nice.

Smirking, I walk up to somebody that relatively looks like a version of Naruto with straight red hair and punch him. His nose makes a very satisfying crunching noise as he spirals away from me, spinning as his knees begin to give out under him until he falls on his frontside. The girl next to him, a female that closely resembles Naruto's "Ninja Centrefold Technique" squeals and demands to know why I decked her cuz. My reply to her is a simple shrug as I walk away, seeking out more victims for my pent up violence and just laugh about how good it feels to just be mean for once. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bully and I don't desire to hurt random people. This is a dream, and I'm allowed to vent out my frustration physically on all of these clearly fictional people. When I wake up, I'm the one that'll be on the receiving end of this crap.

It's only natural that my subconscious would build my ideal reality so that I could unleash some bottled up anger.

My eyes swivel around to a long line of bodies, another smirk adorning my creamy visage as I make my way over to them. They're obviously heading to the morning ceremony that Japanese schools hold before allowing students to attend class. Though I'm vaguely curious as to how this type of thing goes, I'm positive that my brain didn't fabricate anything even remotely realistic. Ignoring the adults on stage, I walk around the crowd and try to find the perfect target. Once I find him, I can't help but grin as I sneak over to him and prepare an epic wedgie. I get within an arm's length of my intended victim, he turns around and grips both of my now trembling wrists as he sends me a cold glare.

Figures... I can't even do anything to him in my own fantasy.

"What do you think that you were doing?" Sasuke asks acidly.

"Pull your briefs up your arse like one of Nylan Cat's rainbows were trying to escape," I say flatly.

"And what made you think that it would work?" He sounds amused now, arching a fine black brow.

Because this is my dream and I want to let out my inner bitch?

"You were paying attention to the principal," I fib.

"It's hard to listen to her when your wife is trying to play ninja," he rolls his eyes.

"Wife?!" I whisper yell.

"You did run out on the honeymoon, but you did marry me before we ended up in this weird dimension," he glares, "Just what was in that scroll that you were trying to find?"

"Excuse me?!"

"Everybody from Konohagakure's trapped here and so are a few others, so what the fuck was in that scroll?!" his hands trail from my wrists to my shoulders.

My heart speeds up and I try to gulp down the panic that I can arising in the back of my throat, but it's no use.

"It was only meant to bring the three of us home," I numbly reply.

"Three of us?" Sasuke glares, tightening his hold on me.

"Liznel, your creator, and myself," I stare at him wide eyed.

That's when something that I vaguely noticed earlier in the back of head earlier comes screeching to a halt in the forefront of my mind.

Clawing myself free from Sasuke, I dig into my messenger bag and withdraw my manga.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke borderline snaps at me, pulling the book out of my hands.

"That's not the correct name," I panic, "that's his brother's name!"

Just what the fuck did I do that could've ended this badly?!?!

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