Chapter 13

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Sorry for the last chapter I know it made some of you guys a lil salty :)))

The Doctor and Tiffany were tugged along towards an unknown destination, the Doctor shouting the whole time, demanding to see Rose and to know what was going on. 

In some respects, he probably should've been a little quieter, considering the Daleks wanted him dead as well, but they hadn't seen this form of him yet, so he was safe for now.  But he knew either Mr. Kelly or Rose would yell "Doctor!" the second they saw him, and it would all be done for.

But he continued to scream at the Daleks anyway, if only to let out some pent up frustration for the whole situation, including Tiffany's man-handling of him.  He was definitely going to snog the stuffing out of Rose Tyler now. 

They were finally pulled into a large meeting room.  It looked like a large courtroom, built in a circle to accommodate the shape of a Dalek, with a pedestal raised higher than the rest at the front of the room.  The Doctor was sure they would've been imprisoned for longer, but he wasn't about to complain in the face of the gift of getting out of the tight room that also held a woman that was possibly a bit randy for him.

The room had already been filled with Daleks who were jeering at them, and the Doctor and Tiffany were thrown in front of the ones who had been leading them.  The Daleks backed up in a guarding position, and the Doctor knew better than to move or try to escape.

"What are they going to do to us?" Tiffany cried out, her earlier seductive confidence replaced only by fear. 

"They're either going to interrogate us or execute us," the Doctor replied, looking around calmly for any sight of Rose or Mr. Kelly.  "Where are the people we came with?" He shouted over his shoulder at the Daleks who had brought them.

"They will be brought," one of the Daleks replied. 

The Doctor huffed out a frustrated sigh in response, trying to drown out the shouting of the other Daleks, which grated on his nerves.  The only good thing about this particular situation was that he'd not been pushed to his knees.  He was standing, and in some small way that offered him a bit of control, as false as it was. 

A door swung open behind him and the jeering of the audience of Daleks turned into frenzied screaming.  He turned to see Rose and Mr. Kelly entering the room, Rose looking much more confident than the cowering Mr. Kelly.  His hearts swelled with pride for her.

She met his gaze and threw him a smile and a wink, as if to tell him that she had all of this under control.  He moved to go to her, but the Dalek behind him moved forward menacingly, and so he kept himself in check.  He offered Rose a look of apology and she nodded in return.  It was almost a marvel to him, how she could understand what he was saying without words or a telepathic link.

Rose, however, didn't find that sort of thing odd at all.  The way she could read the Doctor like an open book was very simple to her, like having a best mate for a really long time.  The telepathy didn't figure into it for her like it did for the Doctor.  Of course she didn't know he wanted that link with her, for all she knew he was indifferent towards her. 

She watched as the Daleks moved to be behind them, ensuring they wouldn't try to run.   She faced the front platform, which was clearly where they'd all be addressing anyways.  She waited as all the Daleks suddenly quieted down, and a gold colored Dalek rolled its way onto the platform.

"Dalek Gek!" The Daleks all chanted in unison.

"Rose Tyler, destroyer of the Daleks," Gek began, "Who are your companions?  Step forward!  Step forward!"

The Doctor knew what they were looking for.  They knew that Rose was associated with him, and that he could regenerate.  What the Daleks couldn't decide was if Mr. Kelly was the Doctor or if it was him.  Well, might as well make it interesting for them.  He stepped forward.  "I am the Doctor," he said simply.

Shrill cries of "Exterminate!" filled the whole room, but the Doctor stood tall, now closer to Rose.  He held his hand out for her, and she took it, offering him a smile as their fingers interlocked. 

This was how they fought battles.  Not in opposite cells, but together.  The Doctor stood closer to Rose so that their arms were brushing together and he could feel the warmth coming from her skin.  They stood in the onslaught of cries, waiting to be killed then and there by an errant Dalek beam.

"Rose," he said quietly, "I've got this odd feeling they're going to kill us."

Somehow, she heard him, and turned to him.  "Funny how someone always wants to do that," she smiled softly, and he could tell she was afraid.

"Rose, I-"

"Silence!" Gek shrieked.  The Daleks quieted down.  "This puts our situation into perspective.  Our original plan will continue."

"What's your plan?" Rose asked boldly.  "What are you gonna do with us, hm?"

"The same thing they always do," the Doctor said quietly.

"The human race is to be exterminated!" Gek shouted, and the Daleks in the room cheered, and the Doctor felt Rose wince next to him.  "We are taking the Earth, and you are powerless to stop us!" 

"No, you can't kill all the humans," the Doctor replied firmly.  "You know as well as I that the human race, in any existence, is a fixed point and not to be changed!"

"Not anymore!" Gek shouted.  

The Daleks started cheering again, but stopped when Gek (who must be the leader, Rose mused) spoke again.

"But there is one thing that must be completed before we can move into bliss," he stated, his eyestalk rounding on the loyal subjects seated there.  "We must destroy the Doctor and Rose Tyler!"

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