Chapter 16

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Ok plot continues tomorrow I swear

Had it happened in a less frantic circumstance, the Doctor and Rose probably would've stopped to talk, or at least said something.  But as it were, they both had their hands full... With each other, and had no reason or intent to stop. 

Every touch was a spark across the other person's skin, and though neither of them would say it, it was a feeling that they could both easily grow addicted to, and they knew the touching wouldn't be stopping after this afternoon.

Neither of them brought up the fact that they were in a Dalek ship, and it was horribly inappropriate to be doing this right now, and they should really be formulating a plan.  But at the same time, both of them knew that they never had plans anyways, so what did it really matter in the end?  They were here and together and together and that was all that mattered. 

At that point both of them should've cared that New Earth might be about to be destroyed, but with the time slowed, neither of them could be bothered to care.  The Doctor's hands crept under Rose's shirt and curled his fingers into the skin of her back, as if trying to hold onto her as hard as possible. 

Rose pushed his jacket off his shoulders, forcing his arms out from under her, and he growled against her mouth in response.

"No," She giggled, "It's gotta come off," she tugged on it again, and the Doctor latched his mouth onto her neck in response. 

He kissed a line up to her ear, his breath hot against her skin.  "No, I don't want to stop touching you," he whispered, and she reached up to clutch at his back, hugging him tightly at the words, which held more meaning to her then they probably were supposed to.  He accepted the embrace enthusiastically, burying his face in the side of her neck and holding onto her.

That could only last for a few moments though, because both of them were addicted to the feel of the other's touch, craving it.  And the Doctor, with his heightened and superior senses, became obsessed with the feel of her excitement and love pouring off of her.

He could feel that she loved him.  He was afraid to tell her how much that feeling was reciprocated, but feeling it on her made his heart soar like nothing else.  He needed this girl, more than he was caring to admit, and without her he felt like nothing, because of the War, because of everything he'd done.  But he knew she didn't blame him for anything he done.  Somehow she treated him like he was something worth anything, or something, at least. 

And to her, there was no other way to treat him.  Because he had shown her everything, literally given her the universe, and she just wanted to give him a fraction of what she felt for him.  She had a suspicion he'd never be able to give her the words that she craved to give to him, but right now was so delicate.  She couldn't bear to scare him off.  No, she was lucky she had him in this way, right now, and that would be enough.  With the Doctor, anything would be enough.  She'd known that for a very long time.

Finally he pulled off of her to whip his jacket and tie off, so quickly that he was back on top of her within a couple of seconds. 

She started working at the buttons on his oxford, kissing each new piece of skin she uncovered.  He pushed his hands up her shirt, up to her chest, urging her to get it off. 

"In a minute," she whispered, pressing another kiss to his chest.  "Patience."

"Rose," he groaned, "I've been patient for two years, and I've slowed time for us, okay?  We can explore each other's wondrous bodies after."

"I think I wanna do it now," Rose said teasingly. 

He pressed down against her, making her gasp at the sudden warmth that covered her whole body.  He tilted her chin up and pressed his lips down, hard, against hers.  "I think we'll be okay if we just do it after, don't you?" He said quietly after he pulled away.

She released the last button on his shirt and allowed him to pull her own shirt over her head.  "Right," she rasped, "After is good."


She fell asleep shortly afterwards, the weight of the last couple of days weighing on her, as well as the change that had just occurred in their relationship.  She held onto him in sleep, her arms wrapped securely around him, face pressed against his chest. 

The Doctor traced patterns along her shoulder with one hand, pulling her close and nuzzling her hair.  He closed his eyes, reveling in the warmth of her.  He pressed a kiss into her hair and tugged her closer, letting his eyes drift closed and falling asleep next to her.

When they woke up, she stared down into his face, something soft lighting her features.  "Hello," she whispered. 

"Hello," he smiled back at her.

She shifted up on his chest and leaned down to kiss him.  He encouraged her, tangling his hand in the hair at the nape of her neck, tilting her head to give himself better access.

"What a way to wake up," she laughed softly as she pulled away.

"You're so beautiful," he said quietly, pushing her hair back from her face.

She blushed and looked away, but quickly turned back to him.  "So are you."

He rolled them over so that she was underneath him again.  "Cheeky," he said, smiling.   "You know, I slow time until I'm done slowing it.  Any time we spend here will only be twenty minutes to anybody else.  Just long enough for them to know we got up to something." 

"Long enough for Tiffany to know we got up to something," Rose corrected.

The Doctor grimaced in reply.  "I really don't want to hear that name until we're done here, understand?  And then after we're done on this bloody island, I never want to hear that name again."

Rose slid her hand up into his hair.  "Deal."

And they sealed the deal for another hour and a half of their precious time. 

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