Chapter 24

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This is the final chapter, so it's a wee bit short.  Right after I post this, I'll start my new story, "The Green Soul," of which the cover picture might already be up.  Expect the first chapter tonight or tomorrow, please keep an eye out for it!  Thank you for all the support and love you've given this story, I've loved writing it and reading all your wonderful comments.

Rose released the Doctor, again standing on her own two feet once more.  She waved her arms and started hollering at the aircraft in the sky, which appeared to be some sort of hovercraft.  The Doctor pulled out his sonic and sent out another flare, just in case they didn't have the pilot's attention. 

The flight course of the hovercraft changed and started to descend towards the beach.  The wind from it was reminiscent of their first trip to New Earth, and Rose found herself laughing as she held her hair back so she could see. 

The Doctor tucked his sonic away and swept Rose up into a laughing hug.  Somewhere both of them had been afraid that it would take much longer for help to come, but now, being able to go home after the hell they'd been through with the Daleks, was the biggest relief they'd felt yet.

Although it wasn't necessarily needed, the both of them continued to wave their arms and shout as the hovercraft landed on the beach next to them.  Two men wearing what looked like New Earth's version of military fatigues exited the vehicle and approached the Doctor and Rose.

"You're the ones that've been sending out the flares, right?" the first man asked, who looked to Rose to be suspiciously human.

"That's us," The Doctor replied, "Nice to know they sent the cavalry for us."

The second man laughed.  "Well, we knew your ship had gone missing, I don't know how long we'd be searching if you hadn't sent out those flares.  Are there any other survivors?"

Rose and the Doctor nodded and led the soldiers to the camp that had been set up on the beach.  Everyone had heard the commotion and seen the hovercraft land but after Rose and the Doctor had crashed the Dalek ship, it made sense that they were wary to investigate.  When they saw it was two soldiers, their shocked expressions turned into cries of happiness. 

Tiffany burst into happy tears and was consoled by a very awkward and uncomfortable Mr. Kelly, who obviously knew very little of what to do in a situation such as this.  People hugged and cheered and one enthusiastic woman kissed one of the soldiers on the cheek before hugging him rather aggressively.

The Doctor smiled at Rose and reached for her hand.  She gladly interlaced her fingers with his and they shared a look.  They were going home.


Rose thought the Doctor might collapse with happiness when they get back to shore and saw the TARDIS standing proudly by the dock, where they'd left it. 

"What's that, then?" Mr. Kelly asked when he saw the Doctor's reaction to seeing the phone box again.

"That, Mr. Alfred Kelly, is our ship," the Doctor said gleefully, rocking back on his heels.  "Time and Relative Dimension in Space, that's us."

"Space travel?  You're space travelers?" Tiffany asked eagerly.

Rose nodded.  "And I think we're on to the next bit of trouble, wouldn't you say, Doctor?"

The Doctor nodded vigorously.  "Yes, I do think you're right, Rose.  It has been a pleasure to meet you both, and I doubt you've seen anything like the TARDIS taking off, so you may want to stick around for this."

After sharing a manic grin they ran towards the blue box and immediately into it, not pausing for anyone or anything, not that they ever did, anyways. 

She shut the door behind her as the Doctor ran to the console and spoke enthusiastically to the TARDIS, flipping switches and pressing buttons and pausing to pat the console fondly.  Rose watched from against the doors, a small smile on her face and her arms crossed.  He noticed her and gave her a manic grin before flipping the last lever. 

Rose had always loved picturing the faces of people who watched the TARDIS dematerialize, but she was only able to think on it for a moment before she was in the Doctor's arms, him clutching her tightly.  "Well, that went equal parts horrible and wonderful, didn't it?" he chuckled, his voice muffled by her hair. 

She laughed and pulled away to look at him.  "I can think of one good thing that came out of it," she said, running a hand through his hair. 

He smiled softly at her.  "You know, I think I can, too."  he leaned in to kiss her, completely forgetting about piloting them anywhere.

Tiffany and Mr. Kelly watched with dropped jaws from the shore as the TARDIS disappeared.

"Who on New Earth were they?" Mr. Kelly asked, his voice full of awe.

Tiffany managed a smile, turning her face up to watch the sky, on the off chance she saw that blue box.  "I have no idea.  But I have a feeling the universe needs them."

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