Chapter 15

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Here's a chapter to make up for the Tiffany issues

Rose didn't allow herself any time to feel surprised at the Doctor's kiss.  Instead, she returned it, her hands fisting in the material of his coat at his waist.  She felt him sigh in relief against her mouth and deepen the kiss, and somewhere outside her consciousness, she heard Tiffany's frustrated noise.  The door between the adjoining cells slammed shut and the Doctor pulled away from Rose.

Oh.  So it was all an act.  She let go of his coat and watched as he stepped away.  To her surprise, he moved to the door and locked it with the sonic screwdriver.  Based on the door she'd say that was a door that was never supposed to be locked at all. 

Basically, a door like that shouldn't have had the capability to lock.  She sat down heavily on the small bed in the cell, exhaling softly.  She was a fool to think that the Doctor would've wanted her.  He just wanted to get out of Tiffany's advances.  It made sense and she didn't blame him for it, but that didn't make it any less painful.

He finished up with the locking and turned back to her.  She offered him a smile she was knew was weak and pathetic.  "Well, I guess she'll stop assaulting you now."

The Doctor furrowed his brows, looking confused.  He glanced between the door and her twice before his eyes lit up with realization.  "Oh," he said softly.  "Rose, I didn't, that wasn't, I mean-"

"-It's okay," Rose offered politely, fiddling with the zipper on her hoodie.  "I guess we need to find a way out of here, don't we?  We've got to get rid of the Daleks.  Not like we haven't done it before."  She grinned up at him.  "Can you sonic us out, maybe-"


"Maybe we can just wire a bomb up or something, light the whole ship.  Or do we have to find out it they're working alone or if there are other ships?  In that case we'd have to go get the TARDIS, but we can't get back without having the Daleks take us, and that's not going to happen-"


"Stop me when you hear an idea you like," she continued, not wanting things to get awkward, "We could, A. Rescue everyone, go get the TARDIS, and blow the whole island.  B.  Find out what the Daleks are planning and how many there are involved, rescue everyone, go get the TARDIS, and blow the island, as well as whatever other ships or Daleks there are.  C-"


She snapped her eyes up in surprise and looked at him.  "B, then?" she said quietly.

He laughed for a moment, then moved to stand in front of her, his hands in his pockets.  His face sobered.  "Why are you doing that?  Nattering on like this?"

She shrugged.  "Look, I don't want you to have to explain any of what happened just now, that's all.  You know, the whole-" she gestured vaguely.

He sat next to her and turned on the bed, one leg bent and folded up on the bed, pressing it against her thigh.  "What?  This?"  He leaned in and kissed her again.  He pulled back to gauge her reaction and saw the shock written all over her face.

She moved to stand on her knees, over his thigh.  He watched her as she laid her hands on the sides of his neck.  Her thumbs stroked his jawbone for a moment, and he looked expectantly up at her, letting every bit of what he was feeling about her show through his emotions. 

She leaned forward and touched her lips tentatively to his.  His hands reached up to hold her waist, keeping her there.  At his response she pressed further, kissing him harder.  She gasped against his mouth as his tongue traced along her bottom lip. 

In one deft move he had her flipped over and pressed down against the small bed, nearly hurling them both off in the process.  His lips never left hers, and he pressed even more into her, as if he needed her as close as he could possibly get her. 

She seemed to have the same thought, and wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging him so that he fell completely on top of her.  She pulled away, having a question to ask, and also needing to breathe.

"Doctor," she gasped, as he moved to suck lightly on her pulse point.

"Yes, love?" he murmured against her neck, nuzzling her hair."

She shivered at the term of endearment and forgot the original question.  "Is that what I am?"

He pulled away to look straight down into her face.  "You're my Rose," he said simply.  "If you want to be."

"Only if you can be my Doctor," she said quietly, feeling shy all of a sudden, in spite of what they were doing. 

"I always have been."  He said it so simply.  Like there had never been a truer fact in all of creation.  She felt her eyes misting at the words.

"Oh, oh, don't cry," he lifted one of his hands to wipe the tears away and she giggled at his worried expression.

"M'just happy," she whispered. 

He leaned down to kiss her again, slowly, languidly, downright reverently.  "You're so beautiful," he whispered against her lips.  He pressed another kiss to her mouth and pulled away again.  "If it weren't for these Daleks, I could spend the rest of today and most of tomorrow kissing you."

She shifted under him and wrapped her leg around the back of his knee.  "We have time," she said slowly, nudging his nose with hers. 

He nodded vigorously at her words and flicked the sonic screwdriver at the cell doors, then set it gently on the floor.

"What did you just do?" Rose asked curiously. 

"I put up a filter, so that anyone looking in won't see what we're really up to," he said, tracing his nose along her jawbone.  "And I slowed down time for us.  We have as much time as you want."

"You did that for me?"

"I plan on doing it frequently, after all this is over.  If that's alright with you, that is."

In response, she pulled him down to kiss her again.  "Anytime, Doctor."

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