(Castiel's POV)

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As I hurried up the stairs so I wouldn't be late for my first class, I couldn't help but notice the group of exceptionally attractive football players that were walking up in front of me. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself (because I'm sure they'd just LOVE to make fun of the nerdy gay kid), so I just watched my feet as I walked, trying not to make eye contact. But suddenly I noticed the football player in the back of their group nearest to me lose his footing and stumble forward. I smiled to myself as he tried to cover up his mistake. He turned around and caught the end of my slight smile.

"What are you looking at?!" he sneered.

I glanced upward.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. It's just I did the same exact thing in that spot the other day."

His sneer changed to a shy smile as we arrived at the top.


"Yeah" I said.

As his friends walked away without him, I was surprised he stayed behind with me. And oh my gosh, I hadn't noticed his eyes before. They were the most beautiful shade of green in the cheap florescent lights of our school.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked.

"Castiel" I replied.

"Cool, mine's Dean. It was nice meeting you."

That's when I noticed a slight blush spreading over his cheeks. He really did have great cheek bones...

"You know, maybe we could hangout sometime." I said as I started to blush.

"If that's okay with you of course!" I hurriedly added. Crap. I thought I'd blown it,  but then his (perfect) lips spread into a wide grin. 

"Actually, I think I'd like that" he replied. 

I couldn't believe it. 

"You know what, I should probably give you my number. Mind if we trade phones for a sec so we can exchange contacts?"

I handed him my phone as I accepted his and started typing in my number under the contact name 'Cas'. When we were both done, he turned towards me 

"Cas, huh? Well I'll text you after school. Is that okay?"

I nodded.

"Okay, I better get going. Talk to you later!"

I waved goodbye as he jogged after his friends, then I turned around and walked to class in a blissful daze. Man, he was hot.

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