(Dean's POV)

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I don't know when or how I managed to fall asleep here, but all of a sudden I'm opening my eyes and early morning light is streaming in through the two conjoined small windows in Sam's hospital room. As I sat up, I noticed that Cas had fallen asleep on my shoulder. Gabe was already awake. 

"Hey, Gabe, how's Sam?" I whispered so as not to wake up Cas.

"The nurse just came in a little while ago and said that he should be waking up anytime!"he whispered back.

"That's great! Should I wake up Cas?"

"If you want. But he's not much of a morning person, so I'd watch out." he smirked in reply.

"I'll take my chances." I grinned back.

I carefully removed Cas' head from my shoulder and proceeded to gently nudge him. Nothing. I then began to lightly shake him. That got a groan and a swat at my face.

"Cas! You need to wake up, Sam's gonna wake up any minute!" I whisper yelled at him.

"nnhgn, five more minutes." he mumbled back at me.

"Dude, Sam's gonna wake up, c'mon!"

"Ugh. Fine." he groaned back at me.

But when he began to sit up and sleepily take in his surroundings, Gabe shouted 

"He's waking up! He's waking up!" while motioning at Sam.

I quickly ran over to the side of the hospital bed and watched as Sam's eyes flickered open.

"Dean? What happened? Where am I?" 

"Hey Sammy, well, there was this car and when you were going across the cross walk at school it hit you and now you're in the hospital." I quickly stated.

"Well shit." Sam replied with a half smile. Then he noticed Gabriel.

"Gabe! What are you doing here? I thought your parents hated you missing school."

"Well, special circumstances. How are you feeling?" he replied.

"Like I got hit by a car." he sarcastically responded.

We laughed. It felt good to laugh.

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