Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Humiliation

Four Years Ago

Sky walked into the cafeteria. It was lunch time, and she was starving. She walked through the line and picked up anything that looked good. By the time she paid for her lunch her plate was overflowing. She walked down the middle aisle of the cafeteria trying to find an empty table in the already crowded room.

"Hey look it's Thunder Thighs Sky." Austin Romeo Aymes said as I walked past the table he and his popular friends were sitting at.

"Looks like you took all the food the cafeteria had left. As if you need it. I can feel the floor shake when you walk. I mean you look like a freaking whale for Christ sakes." Austtin continued to humiliate me as I stood there in shock from his words.

The sad thing was he was right. I could even feel the floor shake when I walked. As if it wasn't bad enough with Austin and his group of friends picking on me, my doctor told me just yesterday I needed to lose weight for health reasons. I lied to him and told him I would, but when I got home I felt so depressed I at half a thing of Oreo's.

"What are you gawking at fat ass. Move along before I throw my lunch up because I'm so disgusted by you." Austin sneered/

That was it. I dropped my tray to the floor and ran to the nearest girl's rest room. I could feel the floor shake with each step I took, and it made me cry that much more knowing he was right. I cried for about two hours. I only exited the bathroom when I heard the final bell ring.

I made a promise to myself that day that I would lose the weight, not only because I had to, but I now wanted to. By the end of the school year I had lost ten pounds, but I knew I needed help to lose the rest. My parents hired a personal trainer for me. He was a mean ex-marine, and he didn't put up with my whining and crying.

I worked hard that summer training every day to lose all the weight. My daily routine would be getting up at five for a run, breakfast, cardio, weightlifting, lunch, and dance before supper. My meals were planed out and proportioned. I cut out all sweets and drank only clear liquids.

At the beginning of summer I weighed a hefty two hundred and thirty pounds. By the end of summer I was down to a hundred and forty pounds. I still had some weight to lose, but to my surprise no one recognized me when I walked through the doors of the school on my first day of junior year. I had to tell everyone who I was.

Soon guys were hitting on me and girls were giving me death. I admit I liked the attention at first, but then I realized they only wanted one thing from me. Then I set out to get revenge on every person who had made fun of me when I was fat.

I was mad because Austin changed schools so he was safe from my wrath, but one by one I got them all except for Austin and his best friend Andy. I never wanted to see Andy again. Especially after what he did to me. I would never be the same again.

I went through my junior and senior years of high school wreaking havoc on every person who had ever said one mean word to me. I did it in a devious way though. I made all the people in Austin's group trust me. They had accepted me in once I returned skinny and beautiful. One by one I slowly turned them against each other. By the end of senior year there was no group. I had accomplished what I had set out to do. Now I was waiting for the day I could get my revenge on Austin Aymes.

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