Chapter 21

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A/N: Hey guys!!! So this is chapter 20 in Austin's POV. it shouldn't be to repetitive because this also includes the phone conversation with Max. Anyways, I hope you like seeing what happened in Austin's POV.

The link for the video once again...

Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 21

Austin's POV

I waited impatiently at the table I had reserved for us for this very night. Everything was set up just the way I had asked for it to be. In the center of the table was a bouquet of pink tiger lilies. On a small table beside ours there was a bucket full of ice with the restaurant's most expensive champagne in it. I fiddled nervously with my tie. Then I saw her. She was breathtaking. I quickly got up sand pulled her chair out for her as we smiled nervously at one another. My heart was going ninety to nothing as I starred at my Juliet just drinking her in.

Austin, this is incredible." Sky spoke breaking the daze I was in

"I wanted tonight to be special." I shrugged trying no to let her see how nervous I really was.

Sky just sat there across from me looking daze and as if she was in a world all her own. I smiled curious as to what was running through her pretty little head. It amazed me at how she could look so beautiful. She had always had the potential to be gorgeous, but damn I didn't expect her to be this perfect. Suddenly my phone rang. Now who would be calling me at this time. Everyone knew tonight was mine and Sky's special night. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Max.

"Max, this better be important." I growled.

"Oh believe me you're gonna want to hear what I have to say." I could hear Max's smirk through the phone.

"You've got two minutes. I told you and Blake tonight was all about Sky." I snapped.

"Ah Sky, she's actually the reason I was calling." Max said.

"What about Sky?" I asked quite annoyed with my friend at the moment.

"You remember yesterday when I said I had scored with a girl I had wanted to score with for a long time?" Max asked cockily.

"Max I don't have time for this." I was really annoyed with him now.

"Yeah well I thought you should know that the girl you're about to confess your love for is the girl I scored with yesterday." Max said smartly.

"You're lying. Sky would never do that to me." Now I was pissed.

"Afraid not my man. Funny thing is she called me. I even have a picture of her in her lingerie to prove it. I'm sending it right now." My phone vibrated letting me know I had a message. Sue enough there was my Juliet in her lingerie. My heart fell to my stomach at that moment.

"I have to go." I hung up on Max and looked up at Sky. Her face was the picture of horror. She had planned this. I knew she was playing me, but I never in a million years expected this.

How could you?" I whispered unable to speak up.

"Austin, I'm so sorry. I..." I raised my hand and Sky instantly hushed.

"Of all things to do. You sleep with one of my best friends. I knew you were playing me, but I still gave up everything for you. I love you Sky, and I was hoping to make you fall in love with me." I said as a tear escaped down my cheek. I wanted so much for her to love me back and I thought she had.

"But I did fall in love with you. Only I just now realized it." Sky cried. She was in full blown tears, but I coulnt make myself believe a word she had just said.

"You cheated on me. How can I believe that you love me when yesterday you slept with Max?" I raised my voice the anger of her betrayal finally kicking in.

"Please, just let me prove it to me. Give me one more chance." Sky begged as tears poured down her beautiful face.

"I can't. Not after everything I did to try to make you love me." i shook my head and got up as i fished my wallet out of my pants and threw some cash down on the table to pay for everything. I looked at the unopened bottle of champagne that would go to waste.

"Please, Austin don't do this." I hear Sky call after me, but I didn't dare turn around because I knew if I did I would take her back. Despite everything Sky had done to me tonight, I still blamed myself for everything. I was after all the reason she was this way.

"Goodbye Juliet. I really did love you." I said as I walked out the door

"Austin!!!" I heard Juliet scream. I knew she would run after me, but I couldn't give in.

She had broken my heart, but to be honest it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. I got in my car and drove away in the pouring rain. As I was driving away I allowed myself a look in the rearview mirror. Sky was standing in the pouring rain tears streaming down her face. Every fiber in my body was screaming at me to go back to her and hold her and to tell her everything would be ok. But I knew all too well that it wouldn't be ok. My broken heart would mend and in time so would Siy's. I kept telling myself this is what's best for the both of us as I dialed the one person I knew who would understand and listen to what I had to say.

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