Chapter 23

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Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 23

Sky’s POV

If I thought being away from Austin for a month was bad it was nothing to the six long months I had suffered. I had quit sleeping with random guys and partying so much because it wasn’t really helping me get over Austin. In fact, nothing was helping me get over Austin. Everything I did reminded me of him.

Recently I had taken up a vigorous workout routine. I found when I worked out I could channel my hurt into what I was doing. So every day for at least an hour I would go to the gym. This is where I met up with Blake, Austin’s other best friend.

I hadn’t expected to see him there one Sunday about a month ago, and I was even more surprised when he had struck up a casual conversation with me. I figured he would avoid me like Max was, but then again I didn’t cheat on Austin with Blake.

After seeing Blake in the gym he became somewhat of a friend to me. This made me happier than I had been in a long time. Just knowing that I had someone to talk to upped my spirits just a little bit. Blake never spoke of what had happened between Austin and I, and I was honestly grateful for that. I couldn’t even think about what happened let alone talk about it without breaking down. Somehow Blake sensed this and never brought it up.

It was Saturday and I had just finished a shift at the campus coffee shot where I had started working three months ago to pass my free time so I decided to head to the gym for my daily session. I walked in and saw that Blake was hammering away at the punching bag. I smiled a friendly smile as I started at a slow pace on the treadmill to warm up.

After about twenty minutes on the treadmill I got off and went over to the punching bag where Blake had been.

“Hey Sky.” I heard Blake say from behind me as I started in on the punching bag.

“What’s up Blake?” I answered.

“I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch tomorrow?” Blake asked. I stopped punching the bag and looked at Blake.

“Are you asking me out Blake?” I raised an eyebrow.

“N-no, I just wanted you to meet this girl I’ve been talking to. She’s really nice and I know you need a friend who’s not a guy.” Blake said sheepishly.

“Awe, thanks Blake. I’d love to meet her.” I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. Why I never got to know him better while I was fake dating Austin beats me. He’s such a sweet guy.

“Thanks Sky, I know she needs a friend too. So we’ll meet you at 12 at Café Solae.” Blake smiled.

“Yup, see ya there.” I turned back to my punching back and Blake left.

To say I was excited about meeting Blake’s friend was a lie. I was actually overjoyed just thinking about possibly having a girlfriend to talk to. So by ten thirty the next day I was dressed and ready to go. Realizing I had two hours to kill before I had to meet Blake and his friend at Café Solae I decided to work on a paper that was due Tuesday.

At twelve fifteen I left my dorm and headed to meet Blake and his friend. It was only a ten minute drive from campus so I had five minutes to kill before they were supposed to be here. I saved a table for the three of us then played on my phone for a while as I waited on them to arrive.

I had been so caught up in my game that I didn’t check the time. So at twelve thirty when I got a text from Blake saying he couldn’t make it but his friend was on her way to meet me to say that I was a little let down would be an understatement. After receiving the text I put my phone away and paid close attention to the people entering the café.

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