Chapter 11

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Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 11

I woke up to the feel of someone stroking my cheek. My eyes fluttered open

to see a very concerned Austin looking back at me.

“Well hello sleeping beauty.” Zack gave me a weak smile.

“What happened?” I asked groggily.

“You went into shock after…” Zack trailed off and looked away from me clenching his jaw.

“After Andy attacked me.” I finished for him.

“I should have been there for you.” Austin said still unable to look me in the eyes,

“It wasn’t your fault. It’s not your job to protect me.” I said softly.

“Yes it is.” Austin finally looked at me.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Because I owe you that much Juliet after the hell I put you through in school.” Austin hung his head.

I was speechless. What could I possibly say to that? Nothing. Leah had been right. Austin was trying to make up for everything he had done to me in high school.

“Austin….” I began, but was still unable to find the words to say to hm to express what I was feeling. To be honest, I didn’t even know how I felt.

“Shhh… You don’t have to say anything. You don’t even have to thank me.” Austin pressed a finger to my lips.

“But I should be thanking you. If it hadn’t have been for you Andy would have-well we know what he would have done.” I said.

“Well the nurse said once you woke up we could leave.” Austin informed me completely avoiding my last statement.

“Where’s Leah?” I asked looking around.

“She went to get you something to drink for when you woke up.” Austin explained.

“Oh ok.” I said slowly sitting up.

“How are you feeling?” Austin looked so concerned for me.

“I’m fine now. I’m just really tired.” I said honestly.

“Oh Sky you’re awake.” Leah had just walked through the door with a Sprite in her hand.

“Yeah, sorry I scared you guys.” I apologized.

“Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t your fault.” Lead said sternly.

I sighed there was no winning with these two. A few minutes later the nurse came in and released me. I started walking in the direction of my dorm room when Austin pulled me to a stop.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You have to be looked after for the next 24 hours.” Austin stated.

“Ok, Leah will watch me.” I said confused.

“Leah had planned on visiting her family.” I had completely forgotten that Leah had mentioned going to visit her family this weekend.

“Oh yeah I forgot.” I mumbled.

“I don’t have to go if you want me to stay.” Leah spoke up.

“No, you’ve been wanting to visit your family for weeks. I couldn’t do that to you. I know how much family means to you.” I told her.

“Which is why you’re staying with me.” Austin said.

“Why, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I shrugged stubbornly.

“Juliet please don’t argue with me. I need to be sure that you are going to be ok.” Austin sighed.

“Fine, whatever Romeo.” I snapped and started walking to my dorm.

“Where are you going now, Juliet.” Austin asked.

“To get some clothes. You don’t expect me to stay the night without a change of clothes do you?” I replied.

“Ten minutes then I’m coming up.” Austin said sternly.

“Or what Romeo? Are going to drag me out of my dorm room?” I said


“Don’t make me because you know I will Juliet.” Austin said seriously.

I turned around and stomped off to my dorm room tyo pack some clothes.

“Cocky, arrogant, jerk who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.” I muttered under my breath as I shoved some clothes in a duffle bag. I turned around to stomp back down to Austin, but he was leaning against my dorm room door with an amused expression on his face.

“What are you looking at?” I snapped embarrassed by the fact that he had been there the whole time I was muttering about him to myself.

“You really think those things about me?” He asked not answering my question as we walked to his car.

“That and plenty more.” I said honestly.

We drove to his apartment in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence like I had thought it would be. It was just a nice listening to the radio kind of silence.

“You want to know what I think about you?” Austin asked as he set my duffle bag down on the guest bed.

“Yeah, actually I do.” I was really curious about what he thought about me.

“I think you are the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world. A girl who deserves so much more than an apology from me. I think you have every right to hate me for what I did to you in high school. I think no one should have made you change the way you were. The decision to change should have been one made for yourself not others. I think if you would give me a chance I could show you that I am not the same boy who tortured and humiliated you in high school, but a man who isn’t afraid to admit he made mistakes and is willing to try and learn from those mistakes. I know I’ve said this a million times before, but Juliet you have to believe me when I say I’m sorry. Because it’s not just a meaningless phrase to me. I mean it with every ounce of my heart.” I stood there in with my mouth wide open in awe.

I just couldn’t believe that Austin Romeo Aymes had given me a sincere apology. I sat down on the bed trying to process everything he had just said. I didn’t know what to say or do. All I could do was sit there and stare off in space. I opened my mouth to say something, but Austin held up his hand telling me to stop.

“You don’t have to say anything, Juliet. I don’t expect you to. I just wanted you to hear it-no actually I needed for you to hear that.” Austin turned and walked out of the room leaving me alone.

I just sat there on the bed trying to process everything. I looked at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table and realized I had been sitting there for almost two hours. That’s not the only thing I realized though. I had went about things the wrong way. I should have never done what I did to my classmates, peers, and Austin. I was no better than they were, but I couldn’t go back and change the past. I could however give Austin the forgiveness he was seeking.

I got up off the bed and went to look for Austin. After searching the whole apartment I decided to check the balcony. I found Austin propped up on the railing watching the sun set.

“I forgive you.” I said as I propped up beside him.

“Thank you.” Austin looked at me.

We sat there quietly watching the sun set. Neither one of us said anything. There was nothing left to say, but in that moment with Austin everything was perfect.

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