Chapter 14

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A/N: Ok so idk if you guys liked me posting in someone elses vieww, but I'm going to do it again. This chapter is in Sky's and Leah's POV. I hope you like it!!!

<3 Shelby

Getting Back At Romeo

Chapter 14

Sky’s POV

Once Austin dropped Leah and I off at our dorm I let out a sigh of relief. It had been so hard to not laugh in his face and yell ‘Gotcha’, but I had kept up the charade. I had finally figured out how I was going to get back at Romeo. I was going to make him fall head over heels in love with me. Then I was going to break his heart.

“So, you and Austin, I so did not see you getting with him while I was away. To be honest I figured you would have him killed by the end of the night, but looks like I was wrong.” Leah smiled.

“Actually, there is no me and Austin. I’m just playing him,” I shrugged.

“What?!?! You have got to be kidding me!” Leah shrieked.

“No, this is the only way I can get him back. It’s as if every thing I do doesn’t phase him, but I can make him melt with just one kiss.” I held up a finger emphasizing the word one.

“Sky, you are so wrong for this. The boy is clearly in love with you.” Leah shook her head disapprovingly.

“Good then that will make it much more easier to break his heart.” I told her.

“I was ok with you getting back at Austin before, but to be honest, Sky I think you’re taking this way too far.” Leah stated.

“Since when did you switch sides. I thought you were my friend not Austin’s.” I snapped.

“Since I got to know that Austin was a really good guy deep down inside. You will regret doing this Sky. Austin is a good guy. Sure he’s made mistakes in the past, and I thought you forgave him.” Leah looked confused.

“I did forgive him for the past, but he keeps doing things to me now.” I told her.

“I think you’re afraid to admit that you have feelings for Austin. I bet this weekend scared the hell out of you. I see the way you respond to him when he kisses you or touches you. It’s so natural the two of you being together. You should listen to Austin when he tells you to quit fighting him. Because in the end it wont be him with the broken heart. It will be you, and you won’t have anyone to blame but yourself.” Leah lectured me before storming out of our room.

I just rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed.

Leah's POV

AHA!!!!! I know what to do!

I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket and scrolled down until I found Austin’s number. He had given it to me Friday so I could check in on Sky.

“Leah? Is everything ok?” Austin answered sounding worried.

“No, no everything isn’t ok. Sky is playing you.” I blurted out.

“What do you mean she’s playing me.” Austin questioned.

I replayed the whole conversation that had went down between Sky and I a few moments ago.

“Austin, you can’t let her win.” I said sternly.

“I know, but I honestly have no clue as of what to do.” Austin sighed.

“It’s simple. Make her fall in love with you.” I said with a wicked grin playing on my lips.

“But how?” Austin asked.

“I’ll help you. I know everything there is that you need to know about Skylar Juliet Andrews. Leave the planning and scheming up to me. You just be you because honestly it’s working. She can’t resist your touch and that gives you an advantage in this game.” I laughed darkly.

“Ok Imma be honest here and Just let you know that you’re starting to scare me Leah.” Austin said.

“Sorry, it’s just I’m trying to prevent my best friend from making the hugest mistake in her life. You’re a good guy Austin.” I said honestly.

“Thanks Leah. In the end Sky will thank you for doing this for her.” Austin chuckled.

“I sure as hell hope so because I’m putting our friendship on the line by doing this.” I exclaimed.

“Ok, so what do we do first?” Austin asked.

“Well…” I began to lay out the plan that had been formulating in my head since I had started talking to him.

Thirty minutes later I walked back into mine and Sky’s dorm room. Sky was curled up underneath her blankets asleep. I smiled as I crawled into bed and snuggled up underneath the covers. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

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