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Riley's P.O.V
When Steve showed me the caller ID, I felt my blood pounding in my ears with anxiety. I have come so close to finding my father and now it's like this whole experience is just becoming real to me. After he answered, Steve got up from the couch and started walking down one of the hallways.
I focus my attention to the dirty dishes in the sink and fall deeper into my thoughts
Will he want to be my father? I think to my. Worry fills my mind. What will happen to me when he finds out that he has a daughter? Will he want to keep me and get to know me? Would he be so heartless to abandon his only daughter (so far that I know of)?
I sigh and feel a metallic hand grasp my shoulder. My blood goes cold. I whirl around and see the hand popped out of the back wall.
"I'm sorry I scared you, Miss Riley," The robotic voice of Jarvis says. "Would you mind if I helped you with the washing?"
"Yea, I don't mind." I say. I step away from the sink and sit in one of the chairs at the breakfast bar adjacent to the sink. I run my hands through my messy hair and look down at my clothes. Stains dot my t-shirt and shorts. I never had much of a choice of wardrobe and it just got worse, clothing wise, when mom got sick.
"If you don't mind my saying, Mr. Stark may be a little shocked but he will get used to having a daughter," Jarvis's voice says.
Steve walks back in the room with his phone in hand.
"Good news," he says with a kind smile "Your dad is coming home."

Tony's P.O.V.
"Ahh, home sweet home." Pepper whispers in my ear as she drapes her arms around me. We hop off the jet and look at the New York skyline. You can see Avengers tower from here which I'm not surprised about since I designed the building to be the tallest in New York.
"Nope. Nada. Not even close." I mutter "my home was destroyed by the Idiot actor playing as the Manderin. This place seems more like my own personal hell."
We climb into the limo that is waiting. I squeeze my eyes shut and count to ten. I could feel an anxiety attack coming on. When I opened my eyes, I see a familiar guy with light brown hair, blue eyes and his signature smirk when he is about to say something that will piss off. Coulson.
"What do you want, Coulson? I thought I told you and Fury that if I was needed that I would watch the news and call Natasha." I exasperate leaning my head into Pepper's shoulder.
"I'm here for another reason, Mr. Stark," he says keeping that smirk in the same place.
"Then just say it and get over it," I say, rolling my eyes at him.
"S.H.I.E.L.D. has found new intel on you that Fury thought it would be best if it came from me."
I raise my eye brow "Nothing is 'best' when it is coming from you, Coulson, so just say it already."
He sigh having his smirk drop "Our team found out that you have a daughter."
I through my hands in the air "of course you did." I grab my brief case suit.
"Tony! Stop it! He's telling the truth." Pepper says, trying to reason with me.
I don't listen and click the center button on the case and open the door. I roll out but before I hit the cement of the highway, the suit encases my body.
"Hello, Sir," Jarvis's English accented voice says, "Where to, Sir?"
"Jarvis, take me to my penthouse at the Avengers tower.
I blast off into the air, leaving Pepper and Coulson behind in the Limo

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