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Tony's P.O.V.
As the words left her mouth, I felt like a nuclear bomb went off in my face. How the how did this happen and how did I not know about her?
The letter made me feel like I was going in circles.
I stay silent and just look at the girl. She was short with Dark brown hair that gets lighter as it flows down to her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkle with a gleam hope.
I get ready to say something but the large glass windows behind me shatter making Riley scream. I pull her down before the glass shards hit the both of us. I hear an unforgettable and familiar laugh behind me. I turn around to see a man with sandy hair and glowing red skin. I guess my old friend, Eric Savin came for a visit.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Steve crawl his shield.
I growl at the piece of crap, also known as Eric "You're dead. Why are you here?!"
He laughs with venom dripping off of it "Oh, Stark. I'm here to talk, since you almost had me killed, so you might not want to piss me off."
Luckily, today I wore the right shirt with a hidden button that can call my suit to where ever it is. I press the button. Three, two, one.
The suit breaks through the closet door. The good part about the suit is that it knocks Eric through the open window. I know that that won't stop him for long, so I quickly grab a petrified Riley, who is currently holding a dog, an Capt.
I speed off toward the Helicarrier as fast as I could.
In the background, Eric roars every profanity he knows towards me.
Now this means war....

I slam my fisted hand on the table.
"Why did you not tell me that I had a daughter?! And why did you decide to not inform me that Eric Savin was alive?!"
Ever since I brought Riley to the helicarrier, I left her with Steve and went to yell at Fury.
His back is to me and he look through the large glass windows.
"I sent Coulson to tell you that very information."
"Well you could have told me sooner so I could be getting to know her better than be fighting Eric Savin."I'm seriously contemplating on whether or not I go get my suit and beat the crap out of him. Sadly, my better judgment restricts me from doing that.
"Stark, I just found that information."
I scoffed. "Knowing you, Fury, you most like knew and withheld that info just like everything else."
The sun starts to set in front of him.
"Fine," He yells in the empty conference room. "Eric Savin escaped. So have some of his followers. But there are bigger threats than your sparing buddy. Natasha is looking into it as we speak-"
"No I'm not." I look behind me and see a semi-tall woman with fiery red hair.
I smirk "Natasha Romanoff, in the flesh."
She struts into the room.
"I see you're still the same ass from before I left, but now you're a baby daddy."
I am speechless at her words but glare at her. I walk out of the room but I stand by the door to listen.
"What did you find, Agent." Fury asked.
Natasha sighed. "Larkin is after the girl. Her mother shielded her the life her mother left in asgard."
"Is Riley safe for now?" Fury asks.
Natasha doesn't answer so I guess she nodded. I walk down the hall to Riley's room. I stay outside the room not knowing how to approach her. I can't help but think about Fury and Natasha conversation. Why were they talking about Riley?
I knock softly.
She opens the door in pale pink sleep pants and a pale pink floral shirt. She looked like a cute little china doll.
"Can I help you?" she asks sweetly with a glimmer in her blue eyes.
I lose all the word from my mouth at see her.
"Uh, I was wondering if y-you would want to go t-to lunch with me tomorrow?"
Her blue eyes light up. "Sure. I would love too."
"Ok... See you tomorrow."
I turn and walk down to my Quarters when I hear a blast from behind me and my hearing goes to a weird ringing. I am knocked to the ground and I hear Riley scream.
I rush into the room to see a sly smile across a man's face before he jumps out the gaping hole in the wall.
""Noooo!" I roar as tears cloud my vision. This is one of the only times I ever cried and this us the only time I felt my heart shatter like when I thought that pepper had died.

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